
Monday, March 3, 2025

At the Halfway Point

I finally used up all the yarn!

It's tiny, but since it's just for my neck, it's fine. After trying it on, I think I will, in fact, continue the project. There's one more skein that came with this yarn:

Now I just need to figure out what stitch pattern to use. It should be simple as the yarn is kind of fuzzy. And I want it to take a lot of yarn to make the stitch (as I don't need the finished scarf to be too much bigger than it is now). 

It's something to think about. As I have been doing for the last couple weeks. Maybe this week I'll figure it out.

Moebius Scarf Posts


  1. Your neck scarf looks nice, you got it finished when the temps went down a bit, too.

    1. A bit. I think we're over the coldest part of the year, though.

  2. Time to exercise the creative thinking faculty of the brain.

  3. That's a cool scarf. I really like neck scarves when it's cold.

  4. It’s a nice scarf, and I like the color

  5. Looks nice. And just the right size for your lesser-than-other-places cold weather days!

  6. I like it. it gets cold here but not it's snowing, cold. So I've never had a scarf or never needed to use one. I've always liked the look of them though.

  7. It's a nice snug scarf for your climate. I think you'll like how it comes out with the two colors.

  8. Well done Liz - it looks good ... cheers Hilary

  9. There's great satisfaction in using things up. Are you sad to see JoAnn Fabrics go?

    1. I'm more angry than sad. Stupid private equity firms.

  10. I need to follow your blog as I am also a writer and a knitter, lately more knitting getting done than writing. I think that's due to the cold weather.

    1. Sometimes writing is the mood; sometimes it's the knitting. I know.

  11. A nice scarf to use when it's not too cold. You look cute in it.


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