
Monday, February 24, 2025

And Then There Were Two

The Enderman is finished. 

Last week, I showed off the head. I had chosen a deadline of Thursday to get it finished. I'll explain...

First, I made the Creeper. (These are characters in the videogame Minecraft.) Because twins, I offered to make a second. They named a couple different characters. I found the pattern, but I didn't get much further than that because then my mother died. (I promise, this is related.) 

A week later, my brother said he was planning to visit our uncle (our father's brother), and would I like to come along? He wanted to check in on him after his wife passed away the same week as our mother. 

The plan was to fly up Friday, fly back Sunday. (Uncle lives in northern California. I live in southern California. Brother lives in Ohio, but he was going to be in southern California for work that week.) 

I realized that if I got Enderman finished in time, I could give it to my brother rather than mailing it to him. By doing a piece every day, I got to this point on Wednesday: 

And Thursday night I assembled it. It went into my luggage Friday morning, and I gave it to my brother at the airport: 

And as we puttered about with our uncle, we ended up at Goat Rock Beach:

Next up will be Zombie. If I can find a pattern. And yarn. And the time. But I might just pause and work on some other things for a while. 


  1. So sorry to hear about the two deaths in your family. That can't be easy. I'm not real familiar with the game, have heard of it, but that's about it. I like your little character though, it has personality. I'm glad you were able to get it done in time to take with you and give to your brother in person. He looks pleased with it. Again my deepest condolences for your loss.

    1. Thanks. I'm not familiar with Minecraft, either. But my nephews are. This was for them.

  2. He's great! I like how your brother is taking him along and having photo shoots with him! That's a beautiful section of coast there.

    1. I took it along and handed it off. He took it with him once we parted, though.

  3. It came out great and your brother looks like he likes it.

  4. It's definitely creepy. It was great seeing the picture of your brother with it. I hope you enjoyed your visit.

  5. This is Birgit and I have been off and on in reading blogs….i am so sorry to hear that your mom died at the beginning of this month. It’s been a tough month for you losing her and your aunt. I’m glad you saw your brother and could give him this black ninja guy. He, obviously, loves it.

    1. Yeah, it's been quite the month. (Although, the deaths happened at the end of January. I only posted about them after the fact in February.)

  6. Bravo for the new finish! I love the photo shooting on the beach ;)

  7. I wish you had taken a selfie with your brother. I don't know why!

    1. He took many selfies of the two and three of us. I'll have to get him to send them to me.

  8. It turned out beautifully, and your brother looks really happy with it!

  9. It looks great.. off to a loving home.

  10. Perhaps it's a start to a travel career for Enderman? Your brother could always blog about Enderman's adventures. Just think, your work could become famous!

    1. He doesn't blog. Nor is he likely to start.

  11. oh, that's great you got the chance to give it to him in person and see his reaction!

    1. It's not his reaction that I want to see, though. It'll go to his sons.


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