
Friday, August 2, 2024

Seventh Grade

Something I had not mentioned on the blog (because I was really hoping it would fall through) was that in the spring, a science teacher had reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in covering her class long term for the upcoming school year. (She'll be on maternity leave.) 

Deep sigh. 

But, beginning of the school year, when things are slow. And I do know science...

Now it's official. (The sub caller contacted me, and I gave an official yes. It's on.)

It's seventh grade science. This is mostly life science, but they kind of mixed things a couple years back, so it's not entirely life science stuff. 

But, that's not why I'm writing this post. It is Friday. And my question for you today is about your experience in seventh grade. (For non-U.S. people, the students are 12-years-old.)

What is something you remember from seventh grade? (Positive or negative. Funny or sweet. I'm leaving it open.) And it can just be one thing.


  1. I remember our Jr. High had a jukebox and the first song I remember hearing was Don't Fear The Reaper. :)

    1. Oooh, a jukebox? Wow. We did not have such cool things. (Although, I was 12/13 when the Walkman was released, so we weren't tuneless.)

  2. Being bullied. ~sigh~ It's good to be a grown-up, even if I am getting old. lol Be well!

  3. In my district, junior high began in 7th grade and it was a huge transition - from the school I had spent my entire educational life in up to then, going from being in one classroom with one teacher all day to suddenly having to travel to different classes every 40 minutes or so. But the highlight was my homeroom teacher, who was also my English teacher. Not only was he my first male teacher ever, but he ignited my love of writing. I still remember him well (I had him again for homeroom and English in 9th grade, which was also junior high for me.)

    1. By the time I was in jr high, 9th grade had made the transition to high school (although, I maintain that 9th graders act like middle schoolers still).

  4. 7th grade was the first year of junior high (as middle school was called then), and the first time I had to take a school bus, and the first time there was a cafeteria. The first time in classes with kids I hadn't mostly known since kindergarten. The schedule was confusing. First period was always homeroom. Then period 2. But not always. The next day would have period 3 after homeroom, then the next would be period 4. You really had to pay attention, and if you were absent it was hard! I lived in fear all year I'd show up at the wrong class! I do remember one thing in science! During a movie, when it was dark, a couple of kids were passing pills of some sort! I don't remember much about junior high, I was out of the country for 8th grade. Wearing nylons for the first time, with tennis shoes (the real kind, like Keds), which was a thing! A series of optional ball room dancing classes (Grobe Dancing?) in the evenings, which for some reason my parents thought was important. Some girls did go on to actually have "coming out" debuts, so maybe they ballroom danced.

    1. Funny how formal dance lessons have fallen out of favor. I know at one time it was critical, but then rock and roll happened...

    2. Speaking of music... 7th grade was the year I could have changed my entire future as far as school and teen popularity went! My brother was in a very popular rock band (S.F. area), and when plans were being made for a dance the students mentioned wanting his band. The teacher said the school couldn't afford them, and I didn't say a word!

    3. Did you ever tell your brother you blocked that particular gig? I can understand not wanting your brother at your school, though.

  5. 7th grade was my first year of junior high. It was also the year I celebrated my bat mitzvah. So a memorable year. I had a crush on a teacher, Mr. G. I wasn’t in his class, but he was the drama club advisor … fast forward to my daughters in middle school, in the same school I had attended. And me freaking out when my daughter’s 8th grade English teacher is Mr. G.

    1. Did you ever tell your daughter this story?

  6. I don't want to bum you out with my seventh grade stories, so I'll say good luck dealing with those kids. It's going to be exhausting.

  7. I start Jr high and now it called middle school.

  8. I lived the first 28 years of my life in Italy, so at 12 years old I was in middle school. I remember beginning studying English and Latin and I loved both (still do). We were also introduced to algebra and that was intriguing to me because equations seemed like games/riddles to be solved. One thing I always wondered, after I ‘experienced’ school in USA through my daughter, is why the kids change classes when a new period starts? It seems so confusing to have all the kids moving from class to class. In Italy, kids stay put in the classroom and the teachers move to a new class when the bell rings…. Weird.

    1. Not all the kids go to the same next class. That would be easier for them, but there would be so much more in the way of keeping kiddos with the same schedule which the administrators couldn't manage.

    2. Oh I guess the system is completely different. All students must take the same mandatory classes in Italy, that is probably what makes it simpler. Marina

    3. For 7th grade, all students must take math, English, world history, science, and PE. They get one elective. But, do they take math 7 or advanced math 7 or accelerated math 7? (History, English, and science also have advanced versions.) And if they're ELD (learning English), they have to take a couple periods of that. It would be way easier if they all took exactly the same thing.

  9. Great that you're willing to step in and share your knowledge. As for my seventh grade experience, I remember our class project. It was good fun, creating a model of ecosystem with boxes, soil, some plants, and small plastic models of animals!

  10. That would be Standard 6 for us, the final year of primary school. I remember feeling very sad at the thought of being separated in secondary school, as we were streamed into different paths— Commerce, or Home Science—based on our examination results. I was placed in the Commerce stream and missed my classmates who went into the Home Science stream.

  11. Seventh grade. I recall solving an arithmetic problem too quickly and being punished by the nun-teacher who assumed i was cheating

    Life was hard with all those priests and nuns around.

  12. That sounds like an exciting new challenge! In seventh grade, I remember a fun science project where we made models of the solar system. It was a great hands-on learning experience. Wishing you all the best with your new class!

    1. I would love to do something like that with them. Alas, astronomy is definitely an 8th grade topic. (They do it at the end of the year, the very last unit.)

  13. I LOVED 7th grade. Felt so old and wise, lol. First time changing classes, having different teachers. Having a locker. I have lots of very fond memories of that year. My favorite teacher of all time was my Homeroom teacher and my Ohio History Teacher. He was an excellent teacher and I believe that's why I've always liked history. Hope all goes well for you, science would not be my thing though. We had a student of the month at each grade level 7 -8- and 9th. I was chosen for that honor one month and was pretty excited. A good year for sure for me.

    1. It's amazing how one good teacher can ignite a love of a subject.

  14. Oh well, that is a long time to try to go back and remember!! 7th grade....lets see....I was new to busing. It was just 15 mins down the road but I had always went to the local elementary school. We were broken down in elementary, which was first to sixth grade and went to jr. high from 7th to 9th. Then the rest was high school. It was different going to 7th grade, over populated with students, hall fights and busing

    1. Overpopulated? When I was going through, they were closing jr highs. But yeah, emotions are so heightened that I can see fights. (I see fights. Well, I hear of them, at least.)

  15. I was a sub for a seventh grade class several years back. When calling the role, I came across the name, Emily Koch.
    Now, of course, "Koch" can be pronounced "Kotch," "Kook," or...."Kock."
    Guess which one THIS numbskull chose?
    Thattttttttt's right.

    1. It does not matter which one you pick. You will be wrong. A few years back everyone had the name Marquis. Markee? Mark? Marcus? Markwee? Markweesis? Yes, to all of those. Did I ever use the right pronunciation first try? Nope, not even once.


I appreciate your comments.

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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.