
Thursday, August 1, 2024

13 Games

I'm running out of Thursday 13 ideas. Last week, while digging in my closet for something, I noticed my board games. I have way more than 13 of those. I can take a sampling...

1. 13 Dead End Drive

Apropos for today. The object: kill all your opponents so you can win the inheritance. It takes loads of time to set up, but the niblings loved it. I'm afraid they're a bit bloodthirsty.

2. Chronology

I love this game. You're given an event, and you have to figure out where to place it in a timeline created by other events in your timeline. Tricky. And fun.

3. Skip Bo

This is my newest, and one I really enjoy. I was introduced to it at the adult transition center in 2021. You want to get rid of all your cards by placing them in order. It's fun.

4. Masterpiece

I love this game, but no one will play it with me. You acquire paintings via auction or by stealing them from opponents. The player with the most accumulated wealth via paintings wins. 

5. Clue

I have several versions of this game: Master Detective, Doctor Who, Clue FX, Anniversary Limited Edition (in a commemorative tin box), and of course, the original (with a deformed envelope, sigh). Definitely a favorite.

6. UNO

This one seems to be a card game everyone knows. The object: get rid of all your cards. 

7. Trivial Pursuit

I've got an original board and supplemental cards: Baby Boomer Edition, RPM Edition, Genus II, All Star Sports Edition, Young Players Edition, and Silver Screen Edition. Plus, I have the 20th anniversary edition. I haven't played this in years.

8. Pente

This one was kind of a play on the classic Go. The object: to get five stones in a row (or capture five pairs of your opponent's stones). It's a two-player game, and can be tricky.

9. Parcheesi

This is another of those classic games that you've probably heard of.

10. Sorry

This is one of my original games--one I've had since I was a kid with a single-digit age. And the board looks it.

11.The Game of Life

You start with a car that you fill with your "family". Not a favorite of mine.

12.Scotland Yard

You're trying to find the villain via London's subway system. I haven't played this in years. It was tricky.

13. Mad Magazine Game

This is another game I've had most of my life. It works kinda backwards to Monopoly. It's been years since I played it, so my memory is fuzzy.


  1. We played Sorry and Clue and Uno and Battleship and Monopoly. Yahtzee and Operation too.

    1. I've played Yahtzee once. I think it was with the Girl Scouts on some camping trip. I do not own the game, but it was fun.

  2. Jamie here:
    I feel like i'm running out of ideas for Thursday 13 myself! My topic for today was totally random!

    1. Luckily school starts in a couple weeks, so I'll be back to subbing posting. I've got a great one planned for next week :)

  3. We have Dead End Drive. You're the first person I've heard had it too! I have a pile of game boxes in the closet, I might just take a look to see if there are 13.

    1. I could do another Thursday 13 of those I did not include. I bet you have more than 13.

  4. I haven't played board games in years but still have some in my closet. When I was growing up, we had Monopoly, Sorry, Parcheesi, Stratego, Clue, and, of course, Scrabble. I played a lot of board games with my son, starting with Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders, then progressing to Trouble, Battleship, Game of Life, Operation, Junior and regular Monopoly as he grew older. However, I'm not going to go into that closet to find what I still have on hand!

    1. Understandable. I only looked at what was in front; I didn't go digging.

  5. We played Monopoly, Yahtzee, Uno, Sorry, Game of Life, Scrabble, checkers, chess, Candy Land, Operation, Battleship, Clue, and Trivial Pursuit. I think the only games we have now are Scrabble and a board that works as both a chess board and a checkers board.

    1. I have one of those too--a chess/checkers board. I still have the checkers. I think I have the chess pieces, but they may have gotten lost.

  6. Ha! I haven't played board games in such a long time. These all looks fun, though!

  7. This is a terrific list and I looooved Masterpiece! Like you I had a hard time convincing anyone to play it.

    1. It's fun, right? It's not too hard to do. But everyone sees the art and goes, "No, no, too much."

  8. Lots of games, I am familiar with only five of the ones you listed.
    . My favorite board game is scrabble…

    1. I have some games off the beaten track. Many I found when I worked at the evil toy store (now defunct). They had a game wall.

  9. I love Clue but have not played in a long, long time. Uno is fun. Three of us used to play that at lunch when I worked in printing, for several lunch. I have played skip bo once way too many yrs ago to remember. The kids and I used to have a game night but I don't play games often. My least fav one is ....Monopoly. I do not like that game. Now my son and his friends play games like Setters of Catan. And another odd one I can't remember. Those genius games that I can't

    1. Settlers of Catan was a punch line on a show or movie a while back (I can't recall what, now) and I thought they made that name up. I had no idea it was a real game. Now I have to find out more about it. (I have a feeling this might be a rabbit hole I'm down for a while.)

  10. Total nerd alert. Lol.

    My dad taught me chess when I was in that single digit age and I still play and I still love it. It's difficult finding people to play.

    Sorry was my favorite when I was in elementary school. I played with my brothers and sisters and we were pretty brutal sliding into each others game pieces. We would hit them off of the table! And you had to find your piece and get back to the table or you lose your turn.

    Trivial pursuit is still a favorite and my kids and I are very competitive about it. We're readers and we watch a lot of Jeopardy Lol.

    I still like Scrabble too.
    Great list, Liz. Thanks for sharing the Thursday 13. It's challenging and I like that.

  11. I have or have had Clue, Uno and Trivial Pursuit. I have two Taboo games, two Password games and 3 Scrabble boards!

    1. I think I've played Taboo. Once. I do have a Monopoly board from the '60s, but I only had 13 spots, so I skipped that one.


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