
Thursday, July 18, 2024

Summer To Do List 13

It's the middle of my summer break, so I've been busy getting some things done. And I have a mental list of all the things I would like to finish before school starts back up. For today's Thursday 13, I'm listing some of them.

1. As I sit here writing this (a week ago), I am car-less. My car is over 30 years old, so routine maintenance tends to find issues. It was my own fault, really. I told them to check the brakes... Better they find it now than it causes a problem later.

2. A couple years ago, I came up with a way of handling the pictures I post on this blog, mostly the classroom pictures. That necessitates a reset once a year (where I clear out the pictures from the previous school year). I have backed those photos up to an external hard drive and cleared the pictures on my laptop.

3. And while I dealt with the pictures, I backed up all of my laptop's files. I should do this more frequently than once a year, but I don't. (Everything is backed up to the cloud, too. And most of these files aren't critical.)

4. I finally have my dental appointments set so they both hit at vacation times. (My dentist's office is only open until 3:30, and school gets out at 3:35, so if I want to go in on a school day, I'm not working that day.) I had my semi annual cleaning at the end of June. 

5. I also cleared out my school digital files. Mostly I purged a bunch of files that were class specific to this past school year (notes to teachers about classes that now no longer exist, seating charts for classes that now no longer exist, etc.). What was left was organized into files so I can find them if I need them again. 

6. I made a bunch of copies of my weekly checklist. More than 52. I won't need to do this for another year. And I updated a few pages of info I keep on hand.

7. I am due for an optometrist appointment. (I have a feeling my contact prescription has changed.) I was going to go in June, but I didn't want to go while sick. Now I just have to call and make an appointment... (This can take me months, actually, but I'm determined to do this before my birthday. My birthday's at the end of this month.) 

8. I finally went through the video files I made for another video for my YouTube channel, and I sent them off to my brother to edit together. Now, I need to watch one video that's been finished for months, and get that uploaded. (It's a moebius scarf. I'm quite proud of that project.) 

9. I still have to go through my school bag and clean it out. I started this a month ago, but I haven't really done the purge that I should do at least once a year (best before a new school year begins). 

10. I need to work on packing stuff up and moving it to a storage unit. I started this back in October when it looked like I was going to have to move. That move is going to happen, and I'd rather not have to scramble when it does. That means getting ahead of things (downsizing, storage unit, etc.) before. (I don't know when the move is going to happen. I may have another year. I may have a couple months.)

11. I really need to plan Christmas gifts. Yes, it's early. But this is when I need to start if I plan on making anyone anything. 

12. It's time to replace my computer. And I've been intending to do this for three months. Maybe soon?

13. I need to clean up the apps on my phone. Once upon a time I managed to get them all on one screen. (Grouping them helped with this.) But then a couple new apps (for school) became necessary, and my system got broken. It's time to get it organized so that the apps I use are on the first screen and the ones I keep around aren't. 

What sorts of things are you getting done this summer? What sorts of things do you want to get done this summer?


  1. Oh, moving! What a hassle that is. My car is a 2000, so up there as well, but low mileage for it's age, just turned 100,000. "They" tell me (they being car people) that the single most important thing for a car's health is regular oil changes. Fortunately mine has a life-time oil change contract! They've lost money on that one! I have few apps on my phone, and few photos I leave on it. Habit from when my phone had very little storage. Sometimes I delete text messages too soon and need to ask the texter to resend! Getting done? Right now waiting for asbestos abatement to come clear up my bathroom so the repairs can be done on the squishy floor. Watering a dying garden. I REALLY need to do cleaning, but it's too hot to think of vacuuming! I have a dentist appt. later this month for cleaning. Next month for a cavity where a filling fell out. Nothing fun and summery!

    1. Yeah, the asbestos thing is a pain. Had to have it done when my bedroom flooded (due to the upstairs bathroom--stupid neighbors).

  2. Jamie here:
    Great Thursday 13.
    I saw link on Facebook the other for making jack-lantern like decorations using milk jugs filled with water and glow sticks. It sounds like fun, and I now want to try it. But I'm trying not to think too much of it just yet. But I'm glad to have found the idea ahead of time.

  3. I'm amazed a car can even last thirty years these days. And if you do get a new computer, try to avoid Windows 11.

  4. My laptop will be celebrating its 12th birthday in later August so I have a feeling it's close to the end of the road. It's been a good one and my son was able to update a couple of components (not easy on a laptop) over the years. I don't know how to avoid Windows 11 other than getting a Mac. I'm not into learning curves anymore. I did use Linux years ago and not going there. Oh, did you know that a car becomes a classic car at 45 years old? Just 15 more years to go.

    1. It's amazing how much easier everything is on a new computer (which I just got yesterday). I should have done this ages ago. I'm not so adverse to Windows 11. It's not that much different, really. I almost got a Mac, but that would be a similar learning curve, and then I'd have to convert all my files, so...

  5. Windows 11 is not so bad. If you find the right computer geek, he can make the desktop on your computer look "old school" so the adjustment period is not so difficult. That's what I have. Mine looks like a disturbed version of Windows 95 and Windows 10.

    1. Windows 11 hasn't bothered me too much as of yet. But I've only had the new computer 23 hours as of my writing this.

  6. Best wishes on all your projects, especially your pending move. The uncertainty must be frustrating. Gardening and yardwork have my constant attention this summer. lol Be well, my dear.

    1. Thanks. Stuff is getting done, albeit slowly.

  7. Hope you also find time to relax and enjoy your summer. Liz Aloha

  8. The 24th I will know what I will do with my lap top.

  9. Oh, you are good: you accomplished so much! Whittling down is my word of the year so I’ve been trying to do that regularly. And I’m constantly organizing my files and apps on phone, iPad and computer. I don’t envy you about moving; I work with ppl with intellectual disabilities and I had to support a few of them with their moves. Done too many times for my taste :-)

    1. When I look at that list, I see the things I haven't accomplished rather than what I have. Sigh.

  10. Well done Liz - being prepared is one of the best sayings in our language ... good for you - and good luck in finalising all things so you're ready ... cheers Hilary

  11. My car is only 20 years old but it has 300k miles on it. But it seems to run fine. I didn't put all those miles on it. It had four owners before me. Am I imagining a wheel bearing issue? I've been feeling/hearing something. I have so many projects to do before summer ends. It's been too hot to do most of them. You are blazing through yours, sounds like? I have put off my dental issues because I have very bad insurance and its so expensive.

    1. Not really blazing through anything. More like slowly picking things off. But it's more progress than I was making while school was in session.


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