
Friday, February 4, 2022

Last Day

Right when we got back from winter break, Eddy let me know that he would be leaving our program at the end of January. He had gotten into an art program which is in line with what he wants to do

As the month wore away, we contemplated how we were going to send Eddy off. By consensus, we staff members decided that we had to throw Eddy a party. We debated whether to make it a surprise or not. Then something told me that a surprise might not be a good idea. 

Eddy had been missing several days for meetings and such. And we were unclear on when his actual last day would be. I could just see us planning a party for a day and Eddy not being in school. 

So, I told Eddy that we would have a party. And he told us what he wanted. A movie and pizza. (Oh, Pizza was in heaven over this idea.) And so, that's what we made happen. 

(And it was so good that I looped everyone in, as when I went to clear things with the principal, she informed me that I had Eddy's last day wrong. So, we were able to adjust.) 

Aide 1 had time to make Eddy a photo album of his time in class. (She takes pictures and prints them to put on the wall. She took the week and made him quite the keepsake.) 

The class next door wanted to join in. Upon discussing if we wanted to do cupcakes as well, I realized that I could just ask Eddy. Turns out, he wanted chocolate chip cookies. Those went over very well. 

It was a lovely little send off. It was so nice to be able to do that for him.

And, it turned out to be my last day as well. They never did hire someone to replace the retired teacher. Instead, the school is going to condense down the classes, distributing the students into two other classes on campus. Which means my services are no longer needed. (I only found out on Wednesday.) 

So, this concludes my adventures at the adult transition center. Back to day-to-day subbing.


  1. And that was the answer to my question yesterday....I was wondering but then again, if you miss a post sometimes you miss a lot. Are you happy about going back to day to day subbing? Congrats to Eddie. YOu know me, I am big on anyone doing art.

    1. I am and I'm not. It was sad to leave. I liked the consistency. But, I like the variety of day-to-day. And it's nice to get off of that one campus. See the world, as it were.

  2. I wonder if condensing the classes will actually work out...

  3. It sounds like it was all very nice, and I'm sure Eddy appreciated it. I'm going to miss your stories about the kids there and I bet you'll miss it there too.

  4. A de facto send off for yourself. That's going to be a tough transition for the students.

  5. The party was a nice thing to do. Now, off to new adventures. I did enjoy this look into the adult transition program. There was no such thing when my autistic brother in law (who is in his 60's) was in school.

    1. Special ed has changed a lot even since when I was in school. I think it's changed for the better.

  6. Well, that was an experience! The students will miss you, no doubt. Hope you get a few days to catch your breath before they call you in to sub.
    I'd pick chocolate chip cookies over cupcakes too!

    1. A few days to catch my breath? In this crazy year? Not hardly. It's been a long week for me this week (I write all my subbing posts on Sunday detailing the previous week). Tune in next week for broken ankles, screaming seven-year-olds, and an obsession with STEM box #9. And that was just Tuesday. (I shouldn't tease like that. I probably won't have space to tell all those stories next week.)

  7. Sound stressful.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. Which will you prefer after a few weeks? I'd really like to know!

  9. Hi Liz - you all did a good job for Eddie - he's lucky and will have happy memories. All the best for the sub jobs ... cheers Hilary

  10. You must see a lot day to day with subbing. Can't wait for more stories. Meanwhile, what a great party parting for Eddy and his gang.

    1. Oh yes, I have stories. Those stories are what keep the blog going.

  11. It's good you were able to have a celebration for your departing student although it's a shame it was unknowingly a party for you too! Hope you have some more opportunities lined up :)

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend! We had a playdate yesterday and today is the last day of the summer school holidays :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. I've been working steady as a day-to-day sub for years now. One thing I'm not worried about is having work after this.

  12. That was really nice that y'all did that for Eddy. And it worked out well that it was your last day, too.

    Is there a teacher shortage there, too? It seems like you stay busy as a substitute. The teacher shortage here is really bad. I work for the state (not the schools) and the state is currently giving state employees unlimited community service time (normally we're limited to 24 hours a year) to go do any job in a school. I'm not sure how many people are doing it since so many other state agencies are also incredibly short staffed.

    1. Oh yes, it is really bad. That's one reason why the district wanted to close down the class--so I would again be available to sub day-to-day.

  13. It is very nice that you organize party for Eddy and his send off and that he was happy.

    1. It had to be done. We can't just let him slink away on his last day.

  14. Nice that Eddy got a good send off. I hope you got some cookies too! I'm sorry your last day was at short notice. Hopefully there is plenty of subbing to go around.

  15. Oh very interesting
    My best wishes to you

  16. Sorry to hear about your last day. But, one door closes and another opens (or something like that).
    Good luck!

    1. I'm not worried. I know there'll be plenty of work otherwise.

  17. Variety is the spice of life, right? :) You're an amazing teacher and I have no doubts that you'll make it all work no matter the schedule. It's kind of nice to have a set schedule and it's kind of nice not to sometimes. - It was very kind what you did for Eddy. *You* are very kind. Happy Monday, Liz.

    1. Yeah, it's nice to get away from being at one small school. If I didn't like variety, I would have found something more permanent a long time ago.

  18. It's nice to have a great sendoff. :D


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