
Monday, December 6, 2021

A Finished Penguin

I've been hinting at the penguin for a couple weeks now. I managed to finish him on Saturday: 

I'm not 100% satisfied, however. If it wasn't already December, I'd totally made another one, fixing the little things that I'm not quite completely happy with. 

But as of now, I can get all of the stuff together and get it mailed off this week. And basically my Christmas presents are all complete. 

The pattern is another One Dog Woof creation (and you can find the blog post with the pattern here). She's the one who designed the jellyfish and the unicorn gift card holder and the shark

When eldest nephew requested a penguin for Christmas, I went online looking for penguins. I found seven patterns I thought came out cute. I sent him the pictures. He picked this one. And it wasn't until he had picked it that I looked more closely at whose pattern it was. 

Weird coincidence? Who knows. But now it's all done but for the wrapping and mailing and gifting.

How are your holiday preparations coming along? 


  1. Hi Liz - well done - it's fun ... I'm sure he'll enjoy his Penguin - cheers Hilary

  2. Aw, cute. That person is quite good at designing cute things.

  3. What a cutie! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  4. The penguin is cute! I have a minimal number of Christmas decorations up (we don't put lights up)inside. It's not calling to me strongly this year. Maybe one reason is that the weather totally isn't seasonable! We'll see.

    1. It's been an odd couple years, to that might be part of it as well.

  5. Your penguin is so cute. You make such cool things.

  6. Wow! It's really nice! Clap clap clap. Goal achieved. :-)

  7. The postie has been bringing a lot of parcels this week, so there is one gift left to arrive, but everything else is wrapped ready to go under the tree when we bring it inside and decorate (we have a living tree).

  8. Love your super cute penguin! You did a fantastic job, Liz!

  9. How cute!! That is a good coincidence and, obviously, the designer of these, speaks to your family. He reminds me of Pengu.

    1. She's a good designer. And she likes the kinds of toys that the boys like.

  10. Adorable! The pattern designer is talented, and so are you, my dear. Well done! And Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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