
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

One More Thing

Three Wednesdays ago, I was eating dinner. Pasta with marinara sauce and turkey meatballs. It's a meal I've had many, many times. 

I was on the first meatball. I bit down, and I bit into something hard. I scrambled for whatever it was, and it turned out it was my tooth. 

I had chipped my tooth. 

My tooth. The penny is for a size comparison.

I have never done anything like this before, and I was freaked. But, as these things go, it's sorted. (I waited to post until it was sorted.) 

The first dental appointment I could get (they'd usually be able to squeeze me in, but COVID restrictions) was Monday. Then that Friday I got the notification I was up for my first vaccine shot. 

So, it was dentist Monday morning. Vaccine first shot Tuesday. And then back to the dentist this last Tuesday as that was the first appointment I could make where there was enough time to deal with getting a crown. (My permanent crown will be ready next week.) 

Everything kind of hit at once. Isn't that always the way?


  1. That's a pretty big chip! It's a good thing it wasn't painful. I'm assuming it wasn't since you had to wait. It does seem that things hit one after the other. I remember thinking 2019 started out that way, but little did I know what was in 2020, even before COVID!

    1. Yeah, it was a fairly big chip. And everything just seemed to hit that last week of February. Hopefully things will settle down now.

  2. Chipped tooth? Been there, done that. Not fun. But you'll be fine when the permanent crown is in.

    1. So I'm told. This is new territory for me.

  3. I've chipped a tooth. Not fun. Glad you are almost totally fixed.

  4. OH NO....I am so sorry. What caused it to break off? That is how things go for right after the other and right off the year we had.

    1. I have no idea what broke it. I was eating a meatball.

  5. Oh no! That's a big chip. And crowns are so expensive nowadays. I hope you have good dental insurance. I lost a tooth once in a food related accident and ended up with a bridge so I feel some of your pain! I go to the dentist tomorrow for my cleaning and I realized I have a front chipped tooth - not bad but I don't have dental insurance anymore, so we'll see.

    1. Nope, no dental insurance. Subs don't get insurance through the school district.

  6. Wow, it's like one of my recurring dreams come to life. Ever have those teeth breaking off dreams? Unpleasant. Although I imagine it's more so in real life.

  7. Loosing a tooth during childhood is fun and exciting, much less when we are adult... Hope it can be fixed easily and without pain.

  8. Not good. Not cheap to fix either!

  9. That's one tough meatball! Bummer about your chipped tooth. Glad it is all sorted and will be permanently fixed soon.

  10. I hope everything goes well with the appointments! All the best to you. :)

  11. Chipped tooth! I can't imagine that! Hope it wasn't painful. Yes, all such things have an uncanny tendency to come together.

  12. You have my sympathy!! Been there, done that, many times. (Bad teeth1) AND NOW, I have a chipped crown! Happened two months ago. When the virus showed up a year ago, my wonderful dentist--who was already thinking about retirement--took this opportunity to retire. Haven't found a replacement. Fortunately, the chip was small and I'm hoping against hope that maybe it can just be patched, but I'm afraid I'll have to get a new crown.

    1. Yikes. I hope you find a new dentist soon. It can be hard to find someone you like.

  13. That is so true. I got my first crown years ago. That dental clinic had a machine that made them on the spot (!) and the fit was perfect. The second and third, not long apart, were more of a trial at a new clinic. But there's only one silver filling left in my mouth, so maybe that would be the last. Who knows? I am glad things are falling into place for you. :)

    1. He doesn't make the crowns on site, but the place that makes them uses some precision fabrication, so it's supposed to be really good. We'll see.


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