
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Becoming Routine

I was back at the continuation high school for the first time since the new school year began. It had been late February the last time I was there. (The last continuation high school blog post before the shut down is here.) 

I was covering a teacher I had covered many times before. (I've subbed for all the teachers there.) It did not look like she'd been on campus since the shut down, but that's getting to be kind of usual now. Not many teachers are coming to campus. 

But apparently the teachers at the continuation high school haven't been taking many days off. I was told I was the second sub they'd had this school year. 

I could kind of tell. They weren't sure how to log me into the teacher's Google Classroom. And I had to ask for a Chromebook and bell schedule. 

I've subbed enough days now in this virtual thing that I knew what I needed. And I got to the school with enough time for everything to be good to go. 

The day went smoothly, actually. While I didn't have access to the Google Classroom to make sure the kiddos were working, I had the meet links and all the information to describe the assignment. If they didn't work, it was on them. (I imagine they worked like they generally work. Some got a lot done. Most didn't do anything.)

It was weird hearing little kids running around outside. There's an elementary school across the street, and they've been using the campus for the students that they do have. (There's a day care kind of thing going. Mostly the elementary kiddos are at home as well, but some families need the day care, so that option is available. With safety precautions in place.)

Another subbing day during the pandemic. 


  1. I guess having it all become routine is a good thing. At least no to many surprises.

  2. I guess not much has changed for the continuation students!

  3. In the county I live in they did not start going back into school till a few weeks ago. They started with the kindergarten and first, then added others the next week. They were scheduled to send the 5th and 6th last week but due to the rise in COVID they left 5th and on up doing virtual learning. THe ones that were already in school they are leaving that way. The county I am in is one of the largest plus it is the same county the capital of TN is in. Surrounding counties have been in school. My grands have been going since it started back.

    1. With numbers going up, I don't foresee us going back any time soon.

  4. And our numbers continue to climb! Scary times.

    1. Which is why I don't see us doing in person any time soon.

  5. Some of our districts are closing schools for in person since numbers are going up here. It does seem like you have gotten the hang of it and are adapting well to subbing virtually like this.


  6. Our numbers are going up and I know as today School look like it was going on.

  7. Yes. This is the way it's going to be for some time, for sure. A constantly evolving scenario.

    In India, fewer people are getting infected. The Case Fatality Ratio (the percentage of people who have died from among the people who have tested positive) has been on the lower side always, and now it's among the lowest in the world. A welcome surprise, actually, considering India is very densely populated especially the cities.

    Barring schools and colleges, every other activity is back to normal, though there are fewer people at bars, restaurants, cinemas, buses, etc.

  8. Hi Liz - things are changing that's for sure - but glad you're coping with the changes ... take care -Hilary

  9. I’m Glad it sounds safe and treated wisely where you are.

    1. Yeah, it's nice having a governor who follows the science.

  10. As long as everyone is staying safe, including YOU. Such an exasperating time. I can't wait for a vaccine.

    1. I know. It feels like it's taking forever. Although, they're probably working at warp speed for such things.


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