
Friday, November 1, 2019

The Hall Pass

Seventh grade history. They had bookwork.

It was second period. A student grabbed a huge trophy and headed for the door...


"That's our hall pass," another student informed me.

The thing was massive...

I've covered this teacher's classes before. There used to be something way more reasonable. I recall a shoe.

"Someone lost the last pass, so now this is what we use," the student continued the explanation.

Um, okay then...

Once I was up to speed, I found the whole thing rather funny. And totally in the wheelhouse for this teacher. In fact, the trophy says it's a hall pass...

Mr. F's Hall Pass

(The sticky note was my addition as I don't reveal real names on the blog.)

So, for the rest of the day, when a student asked to use the restroom, they wrestled this unwieldy thing out the door (the closed door, which is hard to open while lugging this), and then returned in a similar manner. The thing is taller than most of the kiddos!

There is a certain genius to this. They can't go gallivanting around campus with this behemoth in tow. And it's not like it's going to get misplaced.

I may have to tell other teachers this idea.

Generally, when kiddos ask to leave class, we write them a pass on a specific official pass paper. Some teachers have created reusable options so they don't have to continually write them. They are generally small enough to be easily carried. (Some teachers have a sense of humor about it. One teacher has a toilet seat. Another has them carry a toilet brush.) This trophy was unusual enough to merit a blog mention.


  1. Oh my...well yes, that would be hard to misplace.

    1. Although, if anyone could do it, it would be a 7th grader.

  2. I am just laughing out loud. I'm going to have to share this with my hubby who will equally get a big kick out of it! I absolutely love it. I wonder how the petite girls in the class manage it. But I have to say it is ingenuous because someone really has to think twice about asking to be excused. I'll be laughing about this all day!


  3. That is hilarious. And a smart idea. You're definitely not going to be forgetting that!

  4. Ha! Yeah, that would definitely deter me from trying to use the pass. At least this way, anyone passing them in the hall would know which class they came from!

  5. Personally, I would go for the trophy. It has an embarrassing dignity.

  6. I love it! It may even make a kid think twice before trying to slip out of class for a break.

    1. Yeah, they really gotta go if they're willing to lug that around.

  7. Hi Liz ... certainly a neat idea ... how ghastly having to carry that around ... clever teacher is all I can say - cheers Hilary

  8. I just reviewed a movie by the same name - NOT the same thing ;)

  9. That's hysterical, but I can't help but wonder what the trophy was in the beginning, and shouldn't it be in the trophy case instead of the potential to be broken? Back in the dark ages when I was in school you had to be bleeding to get a hall pass and even then it was iffy. You were to use the rest room in between periods and many teachers simply had a policy they wouldn't be giving any hall passes out, so don't even ask for one. Yes......I am truly that old. Thinking about the toilet seat or toilet brush, and all the attention given today on sorta seems to me that could be considered just that. Why embarrass kids because they have to go to the bathroom.

    1. The trophy was already broken, which is probably why he used it. They're not allowed to not allow restroom passes. Schools have been sued. As for the toilet brush... As soon as a parent sues, they'll do away with those.

  10. Very clever! If this had been the hall pass when I was in 7th and 8th grades, I wouldn't have been able to sneak off up the hill to the high school to hang with my 9th & 10th grade friends!


    1. I hadn't considered that. I could see kiddos doing that.

  11. My imaginative mind actually tried to picturize people carrying that hall pass around! Funny!

  12. Liz,

    I'm trying to remember the kind of hall passes we had in school. I know it wasn't anything as crazy as this or the other ones you mentioned but it's creative and as you said a kid can't go too far without being noticed. lol

  13. They don't do hall passes in Oz, but that would be a brilliant idea if they did.


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