
Monday, November 4, 2019

An Old Crocheted Friend

Last week I got a special request via my Etsy shop for a water bottle carrier. Remember my water bottle carrier? I wouldn't be surprised if you don't as I haven't talked about it here in years.

She asked for orange (so I was stoked), and it turned out like this...

It's been so long since I made one that I had to look up the pattern. I could not find it in my notebooks anywhere. Luckily, I had posted it to the blog. It may still be the top post over in the sidebar under "Popular Posts". It's been in the top position for ages now.

I have a couple of these of my own that I pull out for special occasions. Most of the time I keep my water bottle in my bag, but if I don't want to carry my bag... So, it is a useful thing.

And it doesn't take too long to finish one up. Unlike infinity scarves that I've been working on for ages...


  1. Came out great and its a great color of orange! Vibrant.


  2. Handy little device and very vivid color!

  3. I have a carrier like that, but not knit. It's great when I'm walking for exercise.

    1. This one isn't knit either (it's crocheted). It is a useful thing.

  4. Great job! And it's an infinity scarf. Of course it takes forever.

  5. Sweet useful design, you must have more takers worth tapping into there. So get the word out on etsy.

  6. Very neat! It looks like you make them all the time.

  7. These would make a nice gift...and I have lots of worsted weight yarn. If I ever finish my blanket....

    1. It takes about two hours apiece. The blanket won't notice...

  8. Neat...Great gifts for the upcoming holiday. Answer to your question on the blog, NO, he has not taken a pic of Nana taking a pic and I am not reminding him! Hoping that maybe soon him and I can go out together and take some. I have three Nikons so he can use one of them.

    1. You need to get on that. It's a great picture to have.

  9. Ha perfect orange colour as requested - winner. Was that wool from your mask, looking at you 'About me' photo, by chance?!
    Have a Wonderful Wednesday.
    Wren x

    1. No, the mask uses a way lighter weight yarn (thread).

  10. That is very cool, and it would be so useful! One day I'll find the time to crochet all these cool things you've posted...


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