
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wrong Luck

I had the same class all last week. Seventh grade world history. Advanced. Their teacher was on the annual field trip to Washington, D.C.

I believe I've mentioned that subs have been in short supply this year. More often than not, I'm covering a different class on the teacher's prep period.

Mr. F's prep period was fifth. Around third or fourth period, I'd get a call from the secretary telling me what class I was going to cover for that fifth period. Monday it was an English class I'd covered before. Easy group. Tuesday it was a very small special ed. class.

On Wednesday, she called to tell me I'd be covering a math class. And I groaned.

The teacher's morning was co-taught. The teacher's sixth period was pretty good, actually. But her period five...

I wrote about them. Well, kind of. They're the ones that somehow managed to make a room smell of marijuana.

As it turned out, the teacher was there to start off the class. (She had an IEP meeting that period.) She told me that fifth was her bad class. Yup, I remembered.

And, actually, I had a student that I had had earlier in the day. (This happens sometimes. When they point it out, I cackle and tell them they can't escape me 😛) Let's just say I wasn't surprised at his inclusion in this class.

The period went about as well as I expected. The teacher told them that they had corrections to make on prior assignments. These would help raise their grades. And yet, half the class told me that their grades were good and they had no corrections to make.

(Ms. T told me this would be true of two students. At least a dozen made the claim.)

Ah well. On the prep period lottery, you win some and you lose some. Four good preps out of five isn't too shabby.


  1. She knows her students well. You can lead a horse to water...

  2. Thankfully it is for a short period of time if you draw the unlucky card and not a whole day that you're stuck in such a class.


  3. My niece would have been one of those claiming their grade was good. I probably would have been, too. :)

  4. Well, if there was something I could get away with not doing, I'd not do it. Especially math.

  5. I guess if the teach has been with them all yr I am sure she/he has learned them and knows them well.

    1. She's only been with them since the semester (long story), but yeah, she knows them pretty well.

  6. Do you know why subs are in short supply this year or is it the luck of the draw?

    1. There are a few factors at play. Kind of a long story. But it's good for me :)

  7. Well, at least you know them and they know you. May is nearly over. Summer is coming.

  8. I subbed in a class for a week that had a student teacher there earning her practicum hours. So, I had nothing to do all week, but be the person who had to be in the classroom while she taught.

    1. This history class last year was that. I brought my crochet. I completed two or three jellyfish.

  9. Oh boy.....they think they can goof off when the sub comes not realizing they will be in deep do-do. Bless the future Wal-Mart, green stamps kids

    1. I'm not sure why that is, but kids... Eventually some of them figure it out.

  10. I'm not shocked that the kids weren't interested in improving their grades with more work while the sub was there. I'm guessing you weren't either.

  11. I'm catching up on your blog in reverse order. I just read "wrong Savannah" and assumed "Luck" was a kid! LOL. In China, kids pick all kinds of weird English "names". I'm pretty sure I had a "Luck" in the same class with "Butterfly."

    1. I actually wouldn't put it past some of these parents to name a kid Luck. I've met a Chance, and that's pretty close. (Well, more than one Chance, actually.)

  12. Anything to avoid doing more work!


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