
Monday, April 1, 2019

Another Pair of Ugly Slippers

It was January. And I was nearly finished with my Christmas knitting. (For 2018. Which, at this point, is pretty good for me.) So, when I got a request in the comments for a pair of the slippers, I promised that I could have them done in a couple weeks.

And then my ceiling rained down on me.

I still have a big hole in my ceiling. But my projects are coming along again. So, I sat down and finished the slippers last week, on Saturday to be precise.

The photos were taken on Sunday.

I probably should have checked to make sure she still wants them. It is getting warm again, after all. But I didn't want to promise a finished pair again without having a finished pair finished. Because, well, tempting fate and all.

It's nice to be finishing things again. Actually, that's the plan for April. I have some projects that have been waiting in the wings for a while that I can spend time on.

Mondays are the days I talk about my knitting (or crochet) projects. Hopefully all will go according to plan.

Do you have your April posts planned out? Did you have anything happen to throw your normal schedule out of whack?

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter...


  1. I wear slippers all year around.

    1. I guess I'm weird. I rarely wear slippers, even in the winter.

  2. I think they are cool looking and not ugly! Glad you got them done! Since I'm not doing A/Z, I don't have my April posts ready. I'm still trying to think what I'm going to write for my next one. Got a new computer and haven't taken the time to align my camera with it so I can't download pictures of things but I'll get it together eventually.


  3. You sill have a hole in your ceiling? Ugh!

    1. Yup. It's been quite the battle to get someone to take responsibility. Sigh.

  4. Good job with those!

    The hole is still there?? I think it makes it a tenant now.

  5. You rarely wear slippers? You must have good heating! (and carpeted floors). It's too cold in our house to not wear shoes and slippers are warm.

    Pretty slippers - I bet the blog reader will still want them.

  6. For A to Z (or whenever I know something is going to disrupt me, like a vacation) I try to write posts in advance. But I'm only as far as E, which may well stand for EEEK on Saturday. You can't plan for emergencies like ceiling leaks, though Happy to see you doing A to Z. Hoping nothing unexpected this month.

    1. Me too ;) But as I generally blog about my subbing life, catastrophes of those sorts would be a good thing.

  7. You did such a great job. I like them!

  8. Comfy slippers are nice to wear In air conditioning. I love the way yours came out.
    My knitting projects are probably not going to get as much attention as usual.

  9. I like your start to the letter A. I love the colour and these slippers look good and warm

    1. Since Google changed, my picture doesn't show up and I have no idea how to fix that

    2. I'd bet you just need to reload it. But who knows? Mine suddenly is stretched in a weird way.

  10. I tried to crochet slippers once, and it didn't happen.
    Coffee is on

  11. Sorry to hear about your ceiling. I like the slippers...but then, I am from Minnesota :) Asking for Help to Avoid Burnout

    1. Yeah, they're less well received in warmer climes.

  12. Oh, man. There's still a hole in the ceiling? Bummer. The slippers look super cozy.

    1. Thanks. Yeah, the ceiling issue is ongoing.

  13. I love the slippers ... there is nothing like homemade slippers! Ceiling hole.... there's a project for "C".

  14. The slippers look warm and cozy! They remind me of a pair my grandmother made - pink and orange.

    1. With a pom-pom on top? That's how my great-grandmother always accessorized these.

  15. I wear fuzzy socks Pretty much 10/12 months!! So I am Pretty confident your client will appreciate your slippers!

    I do have my A-Z planned, and some posts are ready and scheduled, but as every year it'll be a busy time writing and visiting other blogs at the same time.

  16. I'm sorry you still have a hole in your ceiling! Ugh... Good for you on getting back to your projects. Be well.

    1. Thanks. Yeah, the hole might be there for a while yet.

  17. My Grandma used to knit slippers for me. I LOVED them! Need a new pair about every year because the soles just weren't meant to last. LOL I love the colors of yours.

  18. I think the ceiling coming down is a pretty good excuse for a delay. lol

  19. Absolutely lovely ones.
    Yes, I have my April posts planned out.


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.