
Monday, February 18, 2019

The Walking Purse, Beta Version

I finally have a finished object to show off.

There's no new news on the bedroom front. We're still waiting on the contractors to fix the hole in the ceiling. I've been in my bedroom for almost two weeks now, although most of my stuff is still sitting in the dining room. Sigh. It's good to be somewhat settled.

I present the walking purse...

In the first blog post where I mentioned it, I was asked "what's a walking purse?", so I felt I should explain.

My father and his wife go for walks pretty much every morning. (Well, barring illness or injury.) They walk for an hour or more.

Several years ago, my father's wife requested a small purse for these excursions. She wanted something big enough to hold her phone and a couple other odds and ends. She wanted it small so she wouldn't be tempted to put anything else in there. And the strap needed to be long enough so that she could wear it across her body.

I made that purse several years ago. It's gotten a lot of wear. Now it's time to replace it. (I know I wrote about it on this blog at the time, but I can't find the post.)

So, I put on my designing hat and got to work. I wanted something a bit more durable. I knew what yarn I wanted to use (and it helpfully went on sale just in time for the project). I ran a few ideas by her. I got most of the pieces done.

And then water poured out of my ceiling, and my projects all kind of stalled.

As things got put back together in my room, I got more work on my projects done. And this week I finished the purse.

It was nice to have three hours to sit in front of the TV and just assemble things. Because I lined the purse (that took a bit of time) as well as attaching the purse strap and button and such.

There are a few changes I'd make to my next attempt. I already outlined those in another post. And the question is whether the phone will go in and out of this purse easily as I stitched up the top just a bit. (There was an issue of stuff slipping out on a previous purse.)

But for now, it's done. That's one more Christmas present finally finished. Only four more to go...

(This is better than last year. I still have two gifts outstanding from 2017. Yup, two gifts over a year late.)


  1. I like it. I wouldn't carry it, mind you. But, I like it.

  2. You're so creative and talented. I have a chunky black fanny pack for hiking and biking. That is a super feminine alternative.

  3. Perfect purse for having a walk around.

  4. The purse is nice! It sucks that you still have a hole in your ceiling, though. I'd be afraid of something coming out of it. :P

  5. I really like this. They would be a hit I think because I don't carry a "big" purse. Just a card container with license, credit/debit cards, etc., and my cell phone. Having them contained in a purse would be perfect. Its February, the year is early, so maybe you'll be on track for finishing up last Christmases and moving on to Christmas 2019!


  6. Its nice when a plan comes together. They have things called "Man-purses" gofigure. Is this one?

  7. The purse looks great. Although I crochet I also have an idea of how much work you put into this.

  8. Life is busy and things don't get out like they need to. I like the brown yarn.
    Coffee is on

  9. This is lovely. I like the detailing on the edges and the beautiful emerald green inside

    1. It's actually a teal. Alas, the camera color issues...

  10. I like it! Especially the green lining. Very nice.

  11. Wow...nice job on both. It is important when walking to be able to carry phones, keys and stuff like that but not have to actually hold them. Something like this could be worn under the clothes also. For yrs I carried big purses....I called them my saddle bags, I could carry everything in them. About 5 yrs ago I wondered why I was still carrying big purses since all I was doing was carrying things I thought I would need during the day but was never using. I stopped carrying that big one then and the ones I carry now carries my wallet, a place for keys and a place for phone....that is about it. To heck with carrying a brush, not going to brush this stuff once I leave the house, no reason to carry make up, I put it on, it either stays on or wears off.....

    1. I used to just carry a wallet on a strap, but then I got a cell phone. It's nice not to carry around a bunch of stuff.

  12. The purse looks pretty.

  13. Cool purse, Liz. It has a very polished yet chic look. Your purse reminds me of something I'd see at a high scale boutique shop. :-)

  14. Looks lovely! You should be so happy with how that turned out, and I bet it will be gratefully received.


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