
Friday, February 1, 2019

How Many Books?

So, it's been a week...

Last week ended up being very boring, subbing wise. And then with the deluge in my room, well, it's time for a quiz.

This week's quiz is more of a reading test. How many books can you read in a year?

According to the test, I can do 34 books. If I read a half hour every night...

A half hour a night... 

Yeah, most nights I'm lucky if I can pry the book out of my hands prior to 2 AM. Half hour... 

(Although, this week I haven't been doing much reading. So, I guess it balances out in the end.)


  1. A book a month is my pace. I fall asleep after two pages every night.

  2. Hi Liz - I read slightly faster than most - but I'm sure if I was reading my normal type of books it'd be slower. But it seems I'd do 70 in an hour and 140 in 2 hours ... and my reading time is very erratic!

    I'm glad they had Michelle Obama's memoir there as their 4th book ... it's one I want to read - cheers and have a good weekend - Hilary

  3. If I gave up the computer I could probably get a lot of books read and a lot of crafting done! I have already one this yr. Working on two more right now. I have tried to make myself read at night before going to bed, to sort of relax, problem with that, if its good I stay up too late. If its boring I am off to sleep really fast and that book never gets finished at all. That is a habit I am trying to get back into, reading some before bed. But to answer your question, it could be a lot to none, just depends!

    1. Take the quiz. It'll tell you how much you could finish if you read just a half hour a night.

  4. Apparently I can read 29 books in a year. But there was an ad in the lower right corner of my screen distracting me, so maybe I could read faster? Either way, past reading goals have been on target. But like you, I can't stop reading a good book after half an hour. I'd probably want to finish it that night. The struggle is real.

    1. The more time we have to devote to reading, the more reading we do. But yeah, I wonder how accurate the quiz is considering how different it is reading on a computer screen versus comfortable in bed with an actual book.

  5. I took the test at work and had a couple of distractions so I got 9 books if I read for just 10 min. I bet it would be more if the phone didn't ring

  6. I could read 44 books a year if I read a half hour a day. Sounds about right.

  7. I haven't seen 2 am in years. LOL Counting submissions, I probably read 50 a year.

  8. I read for 40 minutes 5 times a week when I'm exercising on the treadmill. So if I roughly estimated what the test said I could read for 7 days it would be about 100 books a year. In reality, I read about a book a week but I read "light weight" fiction that I can quickly skim through. Anything to pass the time while exercising :)


  9. Apparently 30mins a day would give me 44 books a year. But I wonder how that would change if they used a contemporary book rather than a classic? (FWIW I had "Oliver")

  10. Out of curiosity I just got Heckle to have a go - he got 65 books a year reading for 30mins a day (apparently he reads faster than 91% of UK).

  11. I used to be able to devour a book in a single day. Now I’m too distracted by other things.

    1. Life does have a tendency to get in the way.

  12. So, 38 books a year if I read 30 minutes a day (or, more likely, night), but I get so easily distracted.

  13. I'm at 30 a year with 30 minutes a night. Hmm yeah I read a few more than that last year. Heh

  14. Wow. If I just spent a half hour I could read 55 books a year!

  15. I love reading and can't get to sleep unless I've read at least a couple of pages - even if I've rolled home at 3am (a very rare occurrence!) and have to be up at 6am.

    1. It's nice to have something to calm the mind.

  16. I have no idea how much I read. A lot, though! Usually I have two or three books going at the same time, and I read them in a week. I'm a Vine Voice reviewer for Amazon, so I get a lot of requests!

  17. 33 books at 30 minutes a day was what I scored. I'm like you. There have been books where I won't go to sleep until I'm done. The last few years, I've made a point of giving myself an objective to read so many books by the end of the year. This year is 30.

  18. I make a point to read everyday, but I'm not super into either of the books I have going right now, so it's slow going. I have about 100 pages left in one of them, and I'd really like to cross it off my list before the end of the month. 2 days.

    1. Doable, if you sit down and read. But if it's boring... Yeah, might be a challenge, that.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.