
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Coming Attractions

Welcome to the end of the school year. For those of you keeping track, our school year ends tomorrow.

At the end of each school year, I have a little ritual. First, I repost my "Graduation Daydream". This I will do tomorrow to commemorate the last day of school. And then I'll do my annual "Year End Stats" post where I tally up all the different classes I covered.

But, I have been working, and I'll have classes up until practically the end, so before I go on "summer schedule", I'll have a few more subbing posts. Last week I covered one special ed. class for the whole week. And this week so far I have three days scheduled. There are more stories to tell before I completely close out the school year.

(Yeah, that gif has nothing to do with anything. It just made me laugh.)

As for my "summer schedule", it's my actual schedule (which is posted in my About Me page) minus the subbing stories.

I will continue to update the "Student Name of the Week". What? You didn't notice my newish little project on the sidebar? Just look over to the right. It's under "Twitter" and above "Subscribe To". (Kind of between those last two gifs.) I started this a few months ago, and the explanation and full list of names already featured are on the "Student Name of the Week" page, which has a link at the top of the blog. The list of names I have currently will safely see me through the summer (and through the end of the year and into next year if that were to become necessary).

But the real reason I'm writing this particular post has to do with a question I have for my regular readers. I was contemplating adding a random TV show post one day a week, but before I begin this, I was curious if there's any interest.

A few years ago, I tried doing a random movie post one day a week. I didn't keep it up as I wasn't finding the right sort of random movies that would fit. But I got to thinking that there are a few TV shows that I watch that no one has heard of, and it might be interesting for me to tell you about them. Especially with streaming abilities and summer. Some of you might be looking for some different things to watch.

I used to do my random movie posts on Fridays, but then I replaced them with my random quiz Fridays. So, my second question is, if I do the TV posts, would you like to see them on Fridays? Or Wednesdays? (Because at the moment, while I do have an official topic for Wednesdays, I don't actually do that topic ever. In fact, I usually just skip Wednesdays entirely in the summer.)

I appreciate any opinions on the topic. I hope you'll stop in tomorrow for the "Graduation Daydream" and next week for my "Year End Stats" (spoiler: I worked more days this year than last). And I hope you'll continue to stop in all summer. I'll try to keep it interesting.


  1. Always look forward to your end of year posts when you do your tallying of days worked, etc. Can't believe the school year is almost over!! Random TV shows could be interesting. I don't watch much TV, but it would be neat to ask hubby, who does watch a lot of TV, if he has heard of some of the shows you'll be featuring.

    Enjoy summer!


  2. I'm always interested in television shows.

  3. I like the idea of your television show posts. I like finding ideas of new things to watch. :-)

    Cait @ Click's Clan

  4. I'd definitely be interested in the TV show post. It would be a nice Wednesday topic (I do like the Friday quizzes). And I noticed the name of the week thing. I thought it was funny :)

  5. Can't wait to see your end of the school year post :)

  6. Neither my husband nor I do much TV watching (and the watching consists of about 10 different shows, some political, and a couple of (gasp) reality shows. So I would enjoy knowing what else is on besides those shows. Alana

    1. My idea is to talk about shows that aren't in the mainstream. I hope. We'll see how it goes.

  7. Yes, tell us what you're watching. I'm always looking for something new, even if it's old.

  8. Sounds like Wed. would work just great for you so I say lets do it then. Can't wait to see the end of the yr. post! What little time I have been following you I have enjoyed reading about the students! As for your reply on my niece, yep, if things going wacky then Paige is who I would want around with her animal/farm/hunting skills! She rocks.

    1. I started doing the stats post after another blogging sub did one. He has since retired from subbing and blogging.

  9. Tv shows are always fun and you know I love movies and I love quizzes so I hope you can keep the up. This would mean Wednesdays are good

    1. Most of the movies I was looking at are ones you would have seen. I hope to surprise you with some interesting TV shows.

  10. I hope you will eventually get some moments to relax now that it's summer!

    I'm often curious to hear about others' insights on what they're watching.

    1. I have plenty of time to relax during the school year. It's the full time teachers that need the break ;)

  11. Hi Liz - I'm going against the trend ... but tv shows are always interesting to note ... I'll do no more though. And will be interested in your stats ...cheers Hilary

  12. You definitely keep things interesting! The TV posts would be no different, I'm sure. It seems like Wednesdays would be ideal. Be well!

  13. I can't wait to see your year end stats!

    I had noticed your "name of the week" in the sidebar, but I had no idea what it was for. Just went to the page and read why you are doing it. There were definitely some interesting name choices you've had so far.

    I think Wednesdays are good for tv shows. I haven't yet watched the one you recommended to me, but I'm coming up on some free time, so… :) Do you really watch enough unique tv shows to post about them every week for … eternity?

    If you are interested in participating, I did nominate you for the Mystery Blogger Award on my blog. It's like 5 questions + your favorite blog post (from Laws of Gravity), so pretty easy. I'd love to read your answers to my questions, but I totally understand if you don't want to participate for some reason. :)

    1. Thanks for thinking of me.

      Yeah, I snuck the name of the week thing in there on a whim and never explained it. I might have done the same for the TV show idea, but I had this empty post day...

      As for "eternity"... In reality, I'll probably get 5 posts out of this. Then the continuation high school will be back in session. My "summer schedule" doesn't last very long.

  14. Oh some tv posts would be nice. I don't really have a day preference.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.