
Monday, April 10, 2017


The freaky bunny didn't happen. (The hands have been still all week. I wasn't sure why I just didn't have the energy to knit and/or crochet. Until Thursday afternoon when the cold hit...) 

But by Saturday night, I managed to finish up two more headbands in time for the farmers market on Sunday. (By "finish", I mean the headbands were done. Only the kitty ears needed to be added.)

Remember the headbands? I made one for myself in orange... 

I still hope to have the bunny done for Easter. And somehow, it'll have to work for N. Somehow...

A white and a black kitty headband for sale. Any takers?

How was your weekend? Have you managed to avoid this spring cold that's been making the rounds?

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter...


  1. I do remember your orange head band! Sorry about the cold! We've been very blessed and thankful not to have been too sick this past winter and now into spring, but we aren't exposed to all the different situations you are with subbing, I'm sure its a "germ pool" out there.

    Hope you feel better soon!


  2. Great H! Totally cool headbands. Over the weekend our temps dropped but they are up now...80s yesterday and again today. Winds are terrible.

  3. I have a couple of nieces who would love the bunny ears head bands.

  4. They'll look great on the right heads during party time! Its all about marketing the right audience.

  5. I love the head bands. I'd totally wear something like that. :-)

    I suffered for the cold for about a month back in February/March so I'm glad to be over it. It's doing the rounds at work again now, I'm hoping they'll avoid passing it back to me this time.

    I mostly spent my weekend knitting. The best way to spend a weekend, personally.

    1. You should be immune now, right? I mean, that would be only fair...

  6. Kitty ears!!! I love kitty ears. Of course I never much cared for headbands, but I will take them if they have kitty ears.

  7. Cute. Teachers must be exposed to every germ there is. (You must have an awesome immune system). Alana

    1. I take George Carlin's view of the immune system. The more germs my body recognizes, the stronger it gets.

  8. Aw, those are really cute.

  9. Liz you are the only one that mentioned the three stars on the TN flag...haha.....The 3 stars stands for the regions of TN., West, East and Middle TN.

  10. I bet you could do a head band for every holiday.
    Coffee is on

  11. The headbands are great. Hope the farmer's market went well!

  12. Hi Liz - those headbands will be huge success and that the Farmer's Market will bring you some extra fun and sales ... cheers Hilary

    Hi Betsy - he's visiting here recently ... and sends Cornish Cream shimmering light across the English Channel into my flat - glorious to see him twinkling away ... cheers Hilary

  13. It neared 80F here yesterday! Should have cut my grass yesterday morning. Now it's raining. ~sigh~ Best wishes on the farmers' market!

  14. Those are cute! They remind me of the cat ears Arianna Grande wears.

    1. That's probably where the trend came from in the first place. The trend that got me wanting to make a pair of my own, I mean.

  15. The headbands are cute. Hope you had a great day at the Farmers Market!

  16. I seriously love those headbands and want to try making a few myself. Or I could be lazy and just buy from you. You ship, right? ;)

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. I do ship. But these are like 10 rows of stockinette stitch bound off with Kitchener stitch. Not hard to do at all.

  17. You've just reminded me to go get my flu needle today. Hope you feel better soon :)

    1. Thanks. I'm on the mend. That's right, you're going into fall now...

  18. I'm looking forward to your bunny that I shall call....Nina:) I am lucky to have avoided the cold...knock wood. I hope you did well because the head bands are cute.

  19. I love the kitty headbands. I wonder if Harley would wear one!

    1. You could ask her. I can do other colors besides black and white, too.


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