
Friday, June 24, 2016

End of School Year Review

At the end of every school year since 2010, I take a look back at the stats. I got the idea from Mr. Homework, but I have since made it my own yearly blog feature.

Of the 180 school days this year, I worked 161 of them. This is up from previous years (the links to previous years are at the bottom of this post). This number does not include the 6 1/2 days I worked at the continuation high school in August before the official start of the school year.

Of those 161 days, 55 of them I also covered an extra period during the teacher's prep period, and 25 of those teachers did not have a prep period. Which means that of the 161 days, I didn't get a prep period in 80 of them. About half. Which sounds about right.

I worked the first day of school but not the last. I did work three of the four days of the last week of school, if that counts. And that included proctoring a final.

71 of those days were in high school classes, 63 were in middle school classes, and 27 were spent at the continuation high school (well, 34 if you count the days in August).

Some specifics:

  • English: 60 days and 4 extra periods
    • This year's grade winner: 9th, with 21 days
    • 2nd place: 11th, with 16 days
    • 3rd: 10th, with 11 days
    • As for the rest: 7th grade-8 days; 8th grade-8 days; 12th grade-7 days; ELD-8 days
  • Science: 18 days and 7 extra periods
    • Top: 8th grade science (not surprising) with 9 days
    • I did not get a day in physics, but I did get one day in chemistry, 5 days in 7th grade science, and a day here and there in the high school disciplines
  • Social Studies: 25 days and 17 extra periods
    • Top: World History with 5 days
    • The rest were about even, with 3 to 4 days in 7th grade, 8th grade, geography, U.S. history, government, and economics.
  • Math: 38 days and 2 extra periods
    • Top: 8th grade with 15 days
    • 2nd place: integrated math (which replaced algebra 1) with 11 days (plus 3 days of algebra 1 at the continuation high school)
    • There was a smattering of all the other levels ranging from 1 to 4 days.
  • Special Ed.: 22 days and 13 extra periods
    • Some of these days correspond to the other subjects, as some of the special ed. teachers co-teach, so I might have classified the day as special ed. and English because it was a special ed. English class.
  • Miscellany
    • 4 days in computer classes
    • 6 days "roving", that is, various testing or days where I covered more than two teachers that day
    • 2 days in Spanish and 2 days in French
    • 3 days covering one period of P.E. and three days covering an athletic team (just one period at the end of the day)
    • 2 days covering art
    • 1 day covering band (middle school)
    • 3 periods of ASB and 2 of yearbook
It's always interesting to me to look back at the school year as a whole. One of the great things about subbing is the variety. I definitely had that this year. 

Previous Years' Stats:


  1. I bet covering the band class was interesting.

  2. Those are impressive stats! Wasn't last year (I'm too lazy to look, LOL) you had worked like 145 days? That's neat too that you seem to enjoy subbing :)


    1. Yes, I do believe it was something like 145 days. Which means I'm working more this year. That's a good thing.

  3. Interesting that you worked on the first day of school. They didn't even get one day in before needing a sub.

    Did you write a post about covering the middle school band? Whenever our band teacher didn't show, we just ended up in study hall.

  4. To work on the first day of school, covering a teacher's absence, is really hard to understand. what happened there?
    Great stats. I looked at last year. You were busy in 11th grade.

    1. Not really a teacher absence. The teacher was offered a new job at a different school in the district, but so close to the start of school that they didn't have time to replace her. I covered for just over a week. They found her replacement fast.

  5. Interesting you spent so many days covering English classes. Are English teachers more prone to absences?

    VR Barkowski

  6. Wow, that's pretty close to every day of the year. And a lot of your days seem to be in English. Is there a reason that subject is so high? Or do English teachers take more days off? :)

  7. You've been super busy! Relax and have a great summer!

  8. You keep stats? As they said in the 60's, wow. Alana

    1. Another sub who blogs did it first. When I saw that, I knew I had to do it. I kept track anyway...

  9. Being a sub sure lets you be in a variety of classes.

  10. It's interesting that you keep track of these numbers. Was the 9th grade English class for 21 days the same class? Was the teacher like on maternity leave or something? Aside from that I'm wondering why 9th grade English teachers would be sick/out of town/whatever so often! ;)

    1. No. I did spend 2 weeks in one 9th grade English class, but most of those days were one offs.

  11. What I find most impressive is that you have all this info to hand. When I was working 'supply' or 'cover' I was happiest to walk away at the end of the day and forget it, cos that was the beauty of it over full time regular teaching... no responsibility in the long run I mean.
    Good to see you are in such demand. Hope next year brings similar results.

    1. I've always kept records. Just so I could remember what I did from day to day.

  12. I am so impressed that you keep track of all that. I subbed for a few years a long time ago and I barely knew what I was doing from one day to the next.

    @Kathleen01930 Blog

    1. I like to have a list of what I did. It's just the way my brain works.

  13. I'm struck by the thought of how many different children you had the opportunity to be around, interact with, impart to. Just think of the potential!
    Barbara from Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  14. I bet your glad that there a summer break. Do every sub at lower grades, under 3rd grade.
    Coffee is on

    1. I stay away from elementary school. The little kids scare me.

  15. Have you ever thought of getting a steady teaching job or do you like the variety subbing has to offer?

  16. Oh wow, you cover so many different types of classes! If you had to pick one to teach, which would you choose?

    1. My degree is in physics, so it would have to be science or math.

  17. Whew! I am exhausted just from reading your schedule. Way to go, Liz.

    1. It's not that exhausting. Usually it's just one kind of class a day.

  18. Wow! You really get to work a lot as a sub, don't you! I think this would be far more interesting than having the same group of kids everyday! Don't know if I could handle that. Heck, I don't think I could be a teacher of any kind!! Congrats to you!!

    1. That's one of the things I love. Have a bad day? Tomorrow will be with a whole different group of kiddos.

  19. You did quite a bit this past school year. Art would be least to me:) what is ASB??

    1. ASB: Associated Student Body. Student government. (Read: kiddos with nothing to do for an hour.)


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.