
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Standard Time Travel Question

It's Thursday, so it's time for my my weekly random question...

Today I'm going with a time travel question. Let's say that you were preparing for a trip back in time. You can bring one piece of technology with you. But keep in mind that your cell phone probably won't work where you're going (you won't have access to the network, and the battery is going to die eventually).

What piece of technology (besides the time travel device) do you take with you? Would it be more helpful or harmful during your trip?


  1. Hm, a lot of technology would run out of power eventually. Maybe a smartphone with a good battery would do. I could download all the information before I left and consult with it when I want to know what stocks to buy or big game to bet on. Also, another time machine so I could return to my own time would be a good thing to have.

  2. I'd bring my Kindle, to read books -- pretty good battery life on it. I'm ready, let's go.

    1. A good battery life won't last forever. These are the things I worry about.

  3. I don't want to go back that far and it's to spend time with my, I'd be willing to trade in my technology for being able to transport my kids so they could meet him. And if I happen to have 3 time machines or my personal time machine is big enough for all of us and I don't have to trade in my tech - I think I'd take my digital camera. Then I'd bring it back here to process the pictures.

    1. I like that--a camera. That would be nice.

  4. A lighter, just in case I needed to make a fire to keep warm or to cook something to eat.


  5. A Kindle definitely. Perhaps a sandwich toaster. Everything tastes nice toasted.

  6. Wow. This is a hard one. I guess I'll have to go with a fortune. because the fact is, a lot of money will get you out of almost everything, or buy what you need to do so! I was thinking maybe antibiotics - just in case - or my dog, for company, but honestly, I wouldn't go back in time unless it was perfectly safe and I was well prepared.

  7. Probably still my iPhone. Even without a connection, it can do a lot. Anything you take would die soon after you arrived, with no way to charge it--but if you took your charger, you could hope you went back in time to a time when they had electricity and just plug it in!

    1. Depends on how far back you go. If you went back to the 1800s...

  8. Given that there'd be no electricity, some really good books on herbal medicine. Geez, aren't we lucky now!

  9. hmmmm I would bring back magazines specifically dealing with pollution, water issues, animal problems, archeology. Maybe, if shown the issues, people might be smarter...might be. I would also bring back Velcro just to freak them out:)


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.