
Monday, January 10, 2011

What I've Been Knitting

I promised weeks ago to take a picture to show off that purse that I was working on.  But with all the rainy and overcast days, it was hard to get a good picture.  (I need to invest in a light box or something.)  But the sun is out today.  So, here it is...

pinwheel purse

I got the lining just about right, and I like how the button fits in with the whole...

pinwheel purse 2

However, I don't like it.  It's not the purse, exactly.  I enjoyed knitting it.  I like how it looks.  I just don't like how it feels.  It isn't quite right.  So, I think I'm going to give it away.  Would anyone like it?

I got a nook for Christmas.  It needed a cover to protect it, so I made it one...

nook cozy

It turned out way better than I expected.  I love it.  I love the feel of it.  I love the way it looks.  I can't explain it.

It goes like that sometimes.  I knit things that I think I'll like, and I don't.  Then things I don't think all that much about turn out to be things that I love.

So, at the moment I'm working on a sweater for me.  I expect this will take a while.  At the moment, I like it.  I'm sure by the time I finish it, the weather will warm up.  But, I will get to look forward to wearing it about next winter.

1 comment:

  1. Liz, that's amazing. What a cool purse - wow!

    How cute for your Nook.


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