
Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Tuesday, fifth period. 

The period goes by a couple names. Conference. Prep. It's the period I have off from students. 

So, I was sitting in "my" classroom, doing what the period was intended for. I was doing some lesson planning. Some grading. And eating my lunch. 

The phone rang...

Ms. L, who I sort of co-teach with second period, called. 

In a prior second period, Ms. L used her document camera so that her students could copy down some notes. Only that day the thing wouldn't work. As I am familiar with the technology, I managed to get it going. 

And this is what Ms. L called me about. She couldn't get her document camera to work, and could I help her out? Well, sure, I was without students. 

I popped on over there, and in a couple seconds I got the thing working...

This success was greeted by a loud round of boos from the eighth graders. 

I'm not sure what they thought would happen if the document camera didn't work. It's not like they were going to get the period off. They might have had to do something harder than copy notes. Really, they should have thanked me. 

Ms. L did thank me, though. Profusely. 

And I was then off and back to my lesson planning and grading. 

(It was a beautiful sunny and warm day. It was nice to get out and walk in the sun for a bit.)


  1. The sunshine becomes a metaphor in the end 😊

    1. Ah. I hadn't realized that, but yes, it could be.

  2. Replies
    1. Easy period, anyway. The rest of the day...

  3. Wonderful that you had a chance to get outside !

    1. Eh. All classrooms open to the outside. All I have to do is keep the classroom door open if I want to feel the sun or the rain.

  4. Definitely sounds like a group of 8th graders. Did you do an evil laugh as you left the room? :)

    Glad you were able to enjoy the sunshine.

  5. Getting the period off is the biggest achievement that every student is looking for.

  6. They don't know how much worse off they could have been! I can just imagine being assigned an unexpected quiz, or worse, an essay on the spot!

    1. I doubt she would have assigned them an essay. They just finished doing one. Then again, it would have been good practice.

  7. Glad you had the tech knowledge to get it fixed.

  8. Did they think they would do nothing otherwise?

  9. Leave it to kids to boo people they shouldn't.

    I just read your comment on my blog about your mother. I am so sorry for your loss. I went back and found your post about what happened. My heart and feelings go out to you.

    1. Thanks.

      If I hadn't been a sub for as many years as I have been, I might have been offended. Now I just find it funny.

  10. It’s funny how even the simplest tasks can lead to unexpected moments like that! It sounds like the eighth graders were hoping for a little break from their lesson, but instead of that, you swooped in to save the day and get the document camera working—only to be met with boos. It’s almost like they wanted an excuse to not do the work! It's good to know that Ms. L appreciated your help, though, and I bet the students will probably be grateful for that document camera working the next time they need it.

    And hey, you got to enjoy a little bit of sunshine and fresh air on a beautiful day, so that was a win in itself! Sometimes, the smallest tasks can have a big impact on our day, even if it’s just the joy of getting a break and stepping outside for a moment.

    Hi, wishing you a great Wednesday: I just shared a new post:

  11. Typical eighth graders—hoping for an easy way out! 😂 Good thing Ms. L appreciated your help, even if the students didn’t. At least you got a nice walk in the sun!

  12. RIP overhead projector. I am so behind on my knowledge of technology, but I learned something today. As for the boos, I think I would have found it funny - without letting it show, of course.

    1. At least overhead projectors were easy to use. As long as the bulb wasn't burnt out. But I do like document cameras better.


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