
Friday, January 24, 2025

Scissor Emergency

Friday. Third period seventh grade world history. 

Jonas asked for a pair of scissors. I didn't want to give him scissors, so I told him I didn't have any. 

But, Jonas needed scissors. And he wasn't going to do anything without them. 

We had done some testing the prior class period. (It's not state-mandated. It's more of a growth test that the district now requires.) Most of the class had finished, but a couple students needed to finish up, so I was giving them the class period. Jonas was one of them. And he wasn't touching his test because he needed scissors. 

He had some string... It wasn't like he was cutting it off his clothing. (I've had students with that particular issue get distracted.) And I'm not sure what he had in mind. 

He had to get up and get tissue. He whined about scissors. Then some girl offered him a pair that she had. 

Scissors acquired, Jonas did what he wanted to do, and then he finally got going on his test. (While making noises and fidgeting and such.) 

He eventually finished. Class finished. And after the kiddos had left, I did my now-usual clean up after them. 

Over by Jonas' desk was the string, tied around the side of the desk. Sitting. 

Apparently the thing Jonas needed to do was leave a mess. Because, of course. 

Seventh graders *shakes head*


  1. He made a mess, yet didn't bother to hide that he was the one doing it. What a strange thing to insist he "had" to do! Kids are funny!

    1. He's very the-world-revolves-around-me. Most grow out of this.

  2. Oh, how annoying - it feels fitting for a Friday for some reason.

  3. Whenever someone says they "need" something, I usually squelch the response, "Well, people in Hell need ice water, too."
    That's probably not helpful.

  4. Who the eff has a pair of scissors in class to hand to a classmate? Whoa.

    1. They have lots of projects in various classes. I can see keeping a pair of scissors with the colored pencils and glue sticks that students would regularly use.


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