
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

No Help for You

What if? It's the basis of many stories. We ask. We ponder. We wonder. 

On Tuesdays I throw one out there. What if? It may be speculative. It may stem from something I see. It may be something I pull from the news. 

Make of it what you will. If a for instance is not specified, interpret that instance as you wish. And if the idea turns into a story, I'd appreciate a thank you in the acknowledgements 😉

You might have heard that Los Angeles is on fire. According to the weather report (I'm writing this on Sunday), more Santa Ana winds and red flag conditions are expected this week. Which means things are likely to get worse (even though things are getting slightly better as of Sunday) before they get better. 

And so...

In our current political climate, I had a thought...

What if the federal government refused to provide disaster aid to areas they declared "the enemy", even though they are part of the country?

This isn't very far-fetched. Last time a certain president was in charge, he wanted to deny California aid for fires. He only relented when it was pointed out that that particular county was pro him. 

(I'm too lazy right now to go looking for links for this. It happened. I'm going to be very cranky if anyone has memory-holed this and claims it didn't happen.) 

For the moment, I'm far enough away from the fires to not be in danger. I hedge this as with continuing dry conditions and winds returning, it is possible that new fires could pop up at any time. And I don't want to tempt fate. It ain't over until the winds are gone and our humidity rises.


  1. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries this. I have to trust there are still enough principled GOP to stop him. CA may need help now, but it gives more to the federal government than it receives, so if they want to cut off CA, let CA cut them off.

    I believe you, and I'm not looking for it either! "Memory-holed" is a great phrase! My brother does it.

    1. Sadly, it's started. The Speaker of the House has already said he wants to tie strings to California aid. Like, yesterday.

    2. The blue states funded hurricane relief for red states without strings attached. The blue states also drive the economy of this country. Trump and his puppet Johnson are idiots.

  2. That would be just wrong. And no, I don't believe the incoming administration would do such a thing. They have too many issues to fix in this country to get into such pettiness.

    1. Oh, you deluded fool. All they are is petty. And it's already started.

    2. They tried to do it the first time around, what makes you think a leopard can change its spots? Especially when the leopard says it doesn’t want to change …

  3. It's going to happen. Whether he succeeds, it will depend on the American people, and there are enough people out there with like beliefs.


    1. You know PBS leans far left. I also know President Trump isn't perfect. ~nods~ Seriously, best wishes on staying safe from the fires burning LA. The tragic losses and damage could have been lessened via established and effective forest management. Be well, my dear.

    2. What are you talking about? Forest management? In neighborhoods? We had very dry conditions and hurricane force winds. A simple spark, and whoosh. This was climate change driven. We were under red flag warnings.

      The article says the employee got fired for that. Because they should be. What I'm worried about is when the shoe's on the other foot and how my people are going to be targeted. Because it's already happened. Last time. Only, the guardrails held.

      The guardrails are gone. They're after me and mine. I'm in a blue state. Watch them vilify California. Oh wait. They're already doing it. Forest management... Pfft.

    3. I was mistaken, not realizing the fires swept through city neighborhoods. ~shudder~ To be honest, I initially avoided watching news on the fires and admit I should've not commented. ~shakes head~ Either way, the devastation is heartbreaking.

    4. I avoided the coverage as well, and that's all that was on TV for several days here. I get it. But you see how California has already been vilified by the right wing, blaming "woke" for a natural disaster. Considering how many red voters are in this area (it's a lot, truly), you'd think they wouldn't paint us all with the same brush, but there you are.

  5. This scenario would make a great story of neighbors banding together and writers did it well with the series "Colony". I still recall the opening scene. :D

  6. Trump just pisses me off.
    If California was red state. He would lean over backward.
    I will be glad when this night mare is over.

    1. It's pretty upsetting to read what those on the right side of the political spectrum have said regarding sending aid to CA amid the fire-wrought destruction.

  7. I remember that. Wasn't that when he made the infamous comment about raking the forests? Has he ever been in a forest? And So cal has brush that burns not forests. I remember he also has made a claim that no water needs to reach the ocean of the Columbia River, that it could all be piped to California. Which raised the ire of many including me. He has no idea how fast the vegetation grows here. Think spring and having to mow a lawn twice a week, it grows so fast and then think underbrush grows like that. You cut it down, it grows right back. You have to dig out the roots to stop regrowth of Oregon understory vegetation. Want to keep that under control with a rake? Anyhow, I talked with my neighbor today about the same thing, wondering if Oregon will get cut off from federal aid simply because its a blue state. I think you have to bow down, pledge loyalty not to the country, but to him, to gain favor. Just look at all those rich tech people rushing to gain his favor so they can make more money. Its mind blowing and super pathetic I might add.

  8. This is Birgit…oh this idiot is a bully and has done all he could, in the past, to win. He was a bully and to get his Atlantic City built, he bought all the buildings except one. The older lady refused to sell. He bullied her, cut off her water, heat, you name it. She brought him to court. He fought dirty, but she won. He built all around her but she was happy.
    In Scotland, he built a golf course but the town was in the way, so he did the same thing, placing people into duress but they didn’t give up. They won but this one woman, who fought hard, used to have a beautiful look of the ocean. When digging up to make his golf course, he made sure all the dirt was placed in front of her view so she lost her ocean view. In a few short years, Atlantic city went belly up and so did his golf course. He will place sanctions on us but he can kiss my ass. I hope, through his actuions, he will lose even more followers since many think he can’t or won’t do this.

  9. As I learn, the winds are still blowing and the disaster is catastrophic. Hope the government takes care of the victims as well as the affected regions.

  10. This is a scary "what if." It’s hard to imagine the government withholding help during a disaster just because of politics, but sadly, it’s not that far-fetched. Hopefully, the winds calm down soon and everyone gets the help they need. Stay safe!


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I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.