
Friday, September 13, 2024

The Stack

A little over a week ago, I got an email from a parent. She was concerned that her student had an F in the class, and could her student make that up? 

At that point I had two grades posted. The student had been absent when the second assignment was due, and she hadn't gotten it to me. Since then, she had been one of the good ones, so I was sure I had all her work. It was just ungraded. 

I told her mother this in the email--that I was behind on grading and that her student's work was fine. And I set about catching up on what I had to grade. 

Slowly I got through the current stack. Well, most of it. 

I don't recall which class, maybe fourth period, when a student asked when I'd have their lab safety packets graded. 

Deep sigh. 

I pulled out the stack to demonstrate: 

Holding it up for the class to see, I said, "It might take me a while." 

I'm dreading it. 

I'm writing this post on Saturday. I'm scheduling it for the following Friday. So, almost a week. Will I have graded it by then? 

Likely not. 

I'm okay with that, though. 

And the student whose mother asked about her F. She no longer has an F. She got the assignment to me that she was missing, and now she has an A. (Before, with the other work she'd completed, she had a B.) 

I'm getting there. Slowly.


  1. Overall those parent portals are a good thing, but it means you have to keep up with grading papers

    1. I'm good with parents and students knowing exactly where their grades are. I've had many questions about getting missing work in. But yeah, keeping up with grading has been... interesting...

  2. I never, never, ever would have even dreamed of asking my parent to contact the school about a grade. Yes, I know times have changed. But I remember visiting my late best childhood friend (a 4th grade teacher) years ago on weekends or holidays and her having to excuse herself to go grade papers. Sad that workload seems to have gotten worse.

    1. For this age group, I don't think the student asked their parent to contact me. I think the parent noticed the issue and did the contacting.

  3. Great job on catching up and updating the student's grade! Your dedication is appreciated. Keep going, you're doing well!

  4. When I was in high school one of my teachers asked for volunteers from students to help grade papers. If they needed extra credit to bring their grade up (me) they got an A for the day for helping out.

    1. I wouldn't trust 12-year-olds to do this. Maybe high school students.

  5. Oh that does not look fun. Good luck!

  6. That big stack of papers looks like it could take you all weekend to grade. Hopefully that's not the case!

  7. I'm shocked that so much is on paper. You better get to work. ;) Take care.

    1. On paper means they're not using computers means they're not getting distracted by things they shouldn't be doing on computers.

  8. Replies
    1. If they'd done it (most had done half) it would have been. (I did manage to get it all graded by Tuesday.)

  9. I have stated before in my blog how the anger comes out when I seem to get around people, esp on the road or in the stores. Mind you, this was never me, this is what I have become over the years, a lot thanks to Fibro. But let me say, I could NEVER do what you do. One reason, which I have learned along the way, listening to teachers and being around other parents, is most parents leave the daily learning to the teacher. A lot don't get involved cause it is up to the teach to be sure the kids are doing what they need to do (their thinking) and it is not up to them to be sure kids get that work in. I will also tell you, many, many, years ago, I went to a teach/parent meeting for Amber. Her teacher was once my teacher (remaining in the same area for so long, this happens often), and she told me that it was hard dealing more with parents. She said one of the hardest things she had happen was trying to talk with a parent about how things are with their kid when they reck of the smell of pot. I told her she was better than me, I would jump across the desk and slap their ass! Teachers deserve a big pat on the back and I hope as a sub, you are at least told from time to time how good a job you are doing

    1. Thanks. I could be doing better. As it stands, I'm not getting that much contact from parents. Although, grades go out next week, so I have a feeling some are going to be shocked that their kiddos don't have A's. Should be fun to watch some kiddos scramble ;)

  10. That is a huge stack to grade. I'd dread it, too.

    1. Once I got over the dread and just did it, it didn't take that long. Relatively speaking.


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