
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Make Ups

Remember Jordan?

Jordan is in Mr. J's second period sophomore math class. She pretty much took the month of February off. And much of March. And April. She merited a blog mention when she was surprised her grade had dropped because of a missing test (that I didn't just cancel for her). 

Since I last mentioned her, we had another test in the math class. That put her two tests behind. 

Just after we took the second test (with me), Jordan managed to come to class and... gasp... make up that first test. And she did pretty well on it. (She didn't get an A, but she didn't fail it, either.) 

Tuesday. Jordan showed up to class. And she asked if she could make up that second test.

Well, of course she could.

While I was teaching the last lesson in our current unit, Jordan finally got caught up on her missing test. 

At the end of the period, Jordan turned in her test. And then she asked me, "Will this be in the gradebook right away?"


Before she left, I restated something just for her that I had told the whole class. Thursday we'd do a study guide for a test that would happen on the following Monday. (By the time you see this post, that test will have happened.) 

Will she show up on Monday and stay up-to-date? I'm doubtful. But we'll see. 

(If you ask me in the comments, I'll be able to tell you whether she was there or not.) 


  1. Replies
    1. Unsurprisingly (to me), she was not in class on Monday and did not take the test. Although, she was not the only one. I had lots of absences. Most of them are here, right now, today. Making up the test. Jordan? Nope. Absent, again.

  2. Replies
    1. Nope, she missed it. Sadly, I am not surprised.

  3. I wasn't surprised to read it, but it's really too bad she wasn't in class on Monday.

  4. I don't think any of your readers were surprised. Sadly.

  5. I'm not surprised she didn't show. Too bad she doesn't have a better work ethic!

    1. Although, after I wrote that she was absent today, she arrived. An hour and ten minutes late. Not enough time to make up the test.

  6. So she wasn't there? Shocking. Does she prefer the makeups or what?

  7. Can we say mental issues?! I'm not surprised that she didn't show. She probably feels entitled too. I have been so lax in visiting your apologies. I hope to read your previous posts.

    1. She definitely felt entitled to expect that the work she missed because she missed class wasn't going to count. I mean, if I knew why she was out of class, I might make some accomodations...

  8. I will guess if she had any accommodations you'd know about it. At least she seems to know what she needs to do, if she only wants to skate by. If that.

  9. 70 minutes late, what good does that do? I'm surprised she did ok on the test with missing so many classes.

    1. Yeah, it's like it's too easy for her, so she's not trying. I assume other issues are at play, though.

  10. Sounds as if she's got some things going on. Did she make it that next text?

  11. How does a student just not show up? I would have passed without all the high school drama dragging me down. ~sigh~ Best wishes, my dear.

    1. I wish I knew. But this happens more than you'd think. There are a few students who rarely, if ever, show up to class.

  12. Your students teach you much, it seems.

    1. Oh yes. That's the way it works, isn't it?

  13. Hi Liz - they do test you and other teachers in the school ... take care - cheers Hilary

  14. Makes me wonder why she's missing so much school. I know I only let my kids miss if they're sick, but that usually doesn't take months. If she keeps missing stuff, is she going to fail her class and have to retake it?

    1. Likely. Although, it looks like she has mostly Ds rather than Fs. She's doing bare minimum. It's always a question as to why they miss so much school. For some of them, I think their adults aren't paying attention, or else they might wonder where she is most days.


I appreciate your comments.

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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.