
Tuesday, April 23, 2024


What if? It's the basis of many stories. We ask. We ponder. We wonder. 

On Tuesdays I throw one out there. What if? It may be speculative. It may stem from something I see. It may be something I pull from the news. 

Make of it what you will. If a for instance is not specified, interpret that instance as you wish. And if the idea turns into a story, I'd appreciate a thank you in the acknowledgements 😉

What if there are other beings similar to us (but not human) who currently live on Earth, but we're unaware that they exist? (Well, except for the occasional sightings that are dismissed by the general public.)

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter


  1. Unless they're the ones causing so much turmoil in the world, I'd just let them be. Maybe they are the ones unaware we exist! I would wonder about the repercussions of falling in love, or wanting to marry and have children together.

  2. What if there are other sentients on our planet, like Dolphins and Whales? Like Chimpanzees and Gorillas? What if they guide us and protect us, get angry with us and attack us? What if this is our reality?

  3. My husband likes to watch "Resident Alien". It is on the lines of your question. thecontemplativecat here.

  4. Edgar Rice Burroughs, best known for his Tarzan character, wrote so much more. I was big into his Martian and Venus series as a preteen and teen but he also wrote a series of novels about a hollow Earth (our Earth's crust was not all that thick) wherin lived humans and other intelligent species, plus prehistoric animals. That world below the crust was called Pellucidar and was discovered accidentally by one of us above ground dwellers. We knew nothing about Pellucidar. I never read any of the Pellucidar books but I knew a little about the series. So...if you believe Burroughs, the answer is "yes".

  5. Since we are not aware of them, I don't think, I will bother much. If they are aware of us, and they do something harmless, I will be curious, and if it's something harmful, I will be worried as to the source of the trouble.

  6. "We're unaware that they exist." Reminds me of a story (what doesn't?).
    As my ship was pulling into port after being at sea for a few weeks, a friend and I walked up to the flight deck to watch the event.
    He pointed at all the friends and family members on the pier and said, "You know we're coming back from the Bermuda Triangle, right?"
    "Yeah, so?"
    "Well, what if we entered another dimension and those folks waiting for us aren't who we think they are."
    "Would I know the difference?"
    "No, that's the weird part."
    "Well, then, if I don't know who they are, I don't care."

  7. Well there are lots of things here on earth, not human but similar, already. They're all around us. One of them is purring on my lap right now. Another I'm swatting at, as it buzzes near my face.....I don't know their worlds well, but they're all around us.

  8. As long as they keep themselves away from us, it'll make no difference. Existence without interference is like nonexistence.

  9. What if these beings are like the aliens in "Men in Black," living among us in disguise, keeping their existence a secret? Maybe they're the ones behind all those mysterious sightings and unexplained phenomena. It's like we're living in our own real-life sci-fi movie!


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.