
Saturday, April 6, 2024

Five Dollar Bill

So, kind of a funny story...

For this A to Z thing, I don't prewrite most of my posts. I let work happen and pull stories from that. But I don't write about my subbing travails every day. Those other days are the days I can preplan, sort of.

Tuesdays are my "what if?" days. I totally write those in advance. So, it was Saturday, a week before April, and I plotted out my Tuesdays. It took most of the day. (I usually do this on a subbing day where the kiddos are working and I have time to ponder, but I'm on a long-term assignment right now. That means that I'm actually teaching in class so no time to just sit and ponder.) 

Then that Sunday I started thinking about Saturdays. I don't usually blog on Saturdays, so for the challenge, I find a picture of something that works for the letter, and I'm done with it.

This first Saturday, being an F day, was where I started. I thought maybe "flowers", but upon looking back, I did that the last time F fell on a Saturday (2019 for those who are keeping score). 

So, I decided to give up thinking about it and let the universe find me an F picture.

I was walking Buttercup at the time. 

small dog sitting on couch
This is Buttercup

Not two minutes later, I looked down in the foliage next to the path, and I saw this:

folded money

I picked it up, flipped it over...

a folded 5 dollar bill

...and started laughing.

It was a good thing no one was around, because I wouldn't have wanted to explain. 

Five starts with F. 


And that's how I play this game. I let the letters find me in the wild. 

(Sometimes I really have to work to get things to fit, but mostly the letters I need find me.) 

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter

the letter F rendered in knitting


  1. Perfect! Plus, you're $5 richer! Buttercup is a cutey. I'm not one to be partial to little dogs, but she really is cute. I think it's the tan markings, and fluffy little ears.

    1. She has little dog attitude. She barks at all the bigger dogs. (Not smart. They could totally take her.)

  2. You found money! That's good luck. A fiver too, so you had your "F" post.

  3. First, I'm not a big dog person, but Buttercup is one cute dog! Found money (Found Five Dollar Bill) is good luck for you, and not just because it Found you an F blog post. Finally, don't Fail to thank Buttercup. Without Buttercup you would have Flopped.

    1. Yeah, she definitely helps when I need time to think. She doesn't talk much on our walks.

  4. Yeah for the unexpected letter, and the 5$ ;)) Cute little dog too!

  5. The F letter brought out your creativity, it seems.

    1. The letters find me. One year I was flummoxed as to what I was going to do for Q. Then, sitting in class, a student, out of nowhere, tells me all about how she has to have a quinceanera and a sweet sixteen for reasons. It was a long explanation. And it fit Q perfectly.

  6. Hi Liz. This is the universe stepping up to help you ace this challenge. Loved the post and Buttercup is adorable.

    1. I've got stories every year where the letter just falls in my lap.

  7. What a great F! Five dollars, not only giving you your F, but it also falls under F for Find!

    1. It's funny when it all works out like that.

  8. My brother once had a dog named Buttercup. :D And that five dollar bill is a nice find. Be well!

  9. This is Birgit…look at you finding a $5 bill. Let it all come to you. This doggie is sweet looking but I bet the little guy barks up a storm

    1. Oh yes, she's quite vicious, especially with big dogs.

  10. Five dollars, is fiver dollars!

  11. That worked out well! And Buttercup is adorable. :-)


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.