
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

A Test Makeup

It was week three in Mr. J's classes, and I'm starting to get my feet under me. That means that certain things I may not have noticed initially (while I'm trying to get a handle on the bigger things) are now catching my attention.

Jordan is in my second period class, but I hadn't seen much of her. In fact, I hadn't really seen her at all. 

I first noticed Jordan's absence when I was getting the quarter grades taken care of. She had pretty much taken the month of February off. And she was doing the same for March. Her grade was fine, but that was only because no one had input the grades.

Once I finished getting the grading caught up, Jordan's grade dropped to an F. 

I checked her attendance. It appeared that she was attending school every other day. As the school is on a block schedule, that meant that while her first, third, fifth, and seventh period teachers were seeing her regularly, her fourth, sixth, and eighth period teachers, as well as me, weren't seeing her at all. 

Thursday was an odd day. During passing period, Jordan showed up at my door. (I was at the door greeting students as they entered. The administrators encourage this of the teachers.) I knew who she was because the seating charts have photos. 

Jordan said that her grade had dropped because she was missing a test. (She was missing two tests and five or six assignments, but I didn't point that out.) After expressing displeasure that I hadn't just automatically cancelled the grade for her, she wondered if she could make up the test. I told her of course she could. Then she was on her way to her fifth period class. 

(There is a way to make an assignment not count for a student. I did this for a student who was out for a while after a suicide attempt. I will do this for various students who already completed an online course on how to job interview which I'm assigning to a couple classes. I will not do this for a student who ditched class for a month and now sees that her grade dropped.)

Did Jordan show up to take the test later that day? No, she did not.

Jordan did show up to class the next day. So, I offered her the opportunity to take the test right then. 

She wasn't that quiet, although I think she thought she was, when she said something along the lines of, "I don't want to do this now." I suppose I could have pressed the issue, but I gave her the out of taking it later in the day. She said she'd be there.

And then a meeting I needed to attend ran long, so I got back to the room late. So, of course Jordan wasn't there. Had she been there at the time we'd agreed? 

Well, I double checked her schedule. She does, in fact, have an eighth period when she said she didn't, so I kind of doubt that she was there. 

She can still make up the test and all the work she's missing. I'm accepting all late work. 

But will she? Will she get that work made up? 

We shall see. 

(So many of them did little while Mr. D was covering the classes, and somehow they thought the work didn't count. I had a couple weeks of students scrambling to get assignments in once their grades plummeted after I got those assignments input in the gradebook. Some still have not done anything.)


  1. Just a wild guess - I don't think Jordan is ever going to show up for that test.

  2. She’s going to find out that your hood will only goes so far

  3. I wonder where she is every other day? Has she dropped through the cracks? Kids have always tried to take advantage of subs, at least in my experience as a student!

    1. And the thing is, she's been absent for all her classes on even days. I don't think all of her even teachers are subs.

  4. "Oh, what's that? The consequences of my own actions? Oh no!"

  5. I wonder what is happening in Jordan's life outside of school that would promote she behave this way? (-just thinking about my disastrous showing (or lack thereof) in the latter half of eighth grade...) Suffice to say that my junior high experience sucked, my home life super sucked, etc.
    I hope that Jordan makes the work up. x

    1. Yeah, I am very curious as to what has her missing every other day. I think she probably doesn't like her even classes, but who knows? I was catching up on some grading today, and it appears she's doing the online assignments, at least. That's something.

  6. I suppose these kids will only succeed in the virtual world. The communist Chinese government will be thrilled.

    1. Who knows? She might turn it all around. I've seen weirder things.

    2. True. ~fingers crossed~ Best wishes, my dear.

  7. Sounds like one of my future clients...hahaaa. I have clients who are supposed to do 2 mandatory counseling sessions that take 40min max. If they don't do these, their bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal will be opposed. There are a few who just don't show and it will cost them a few thousand to get it corrected. Truly dumb. So very sad about the the young one who tried to commit suicide

    1. I don't get why people don't do the things they need to do. But they do this. The one who tried suicide was out of school for a while getting help. I saw them back in class recently. I hope they're mending.

  8. Looks like Jordan isn't going to do that test.

    1. Funnily enough, she is in class *right now*, and she requested help with the study guide for the test (and she just turned it in). So, perhaps she'll actually do the test once we return from spring break. Fingers crossed.

  9. Hi Liz - she does sound like a troubled kid - poor girl. You and the teachers do your best for them ... yet ...take care and happy Easter if you get a bit of a break - cheers Hilary

  10. There are kids like Jordan. There could be some trigger for her such behaviour. But difficult to figure out, I guess.

  11. I thought I had commented to this post, but perhaps not. In thinking about Jordan, it occurred to me that your readers often don't know what happened next regarding a student's problem behavior, in this case, whether Jordan ever did take the test and get caught up with her work. If I were betting on the subject, I wouldn't give good odds that she did, but it would be wonderful to find that I was wrong.

    1. She has not, as of yet, made up that test. However, she did ask for the study guide and she did complete that. She has done some of the homework problems as well. So, she's making progress. We'll see after the break if she gets that test made up. (That she's now attending class is a good sign.)


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