
Thursday, February 1, 2024

This Week and Upcoming 13

I had another week with not very many good subbing stories. Things happened, but I can't say that any of them necessarily will make a full blog post. So, why not do a Thursday 13? Why not, indeed?

1. I started the week with only Friday booked. I snagged Monday's assignment at 5:30 AM Monday morning. Wednesday's assignment popped up at 5:08 AM Wednesday morning. (I did not get anything for Tuesday, and Thursday's assignment popped up Wednesday afternoon.) 

2. Since I wanted to work, I took the Spanish class on Wednesday, even though the language I took in school was French. (The classes were fine, although I had one girlie in class who I remember not so fondly from the vacant English class I started this school year in.) 

3. Friday I had band class (see above picture). Band days are always a bit weird. Not a problem, but weird.

4. I may possibly (probably) have a long-term assignment coming up in March. Nothing is official, but everyone seems to know about it now. 

5. A long-term assignment is official when the sub desk contacts me, and after receiving confirmation from me, inputs it into the system. It's barely February, so it's no surprise that she hasn't made it official.(I know my name has been submitted to the sub desk for the gig.)

6. Thursday I covered the math class that will be the long-term assignment. When it popped up in the system, I was glad I could grab it. (This is why I say everyone knows I'm doing it as we had those conversations.) 

7. The class is co-taught, so I got a chance to talk to the co-teacher. (Well, we've talked before this.) Ms. L was out one day in October. That's when I talked to Mr. J and he mentioned he'd be out in mid-March.(Paternity leave.)

8. But the class isn't entirely math. Mr. J has three periods of integrated math 2 (think sophomore level math; it used to be geometry, but now it's geometry and algebra combined). And he has three periods of computer science. 

9. I do not know computer science. I know some very basic HTML. 

10. I suppose I should learn something, at least some basics, so I can be of some use to those classes. Does anyone know any good websites that could help? I don't expect to have expertise (and I'll have some help with his lesson plans and another teacher on campus who does have the background), but I would like to at least know the lingo.

11. Part of me has been wondering if this whole thing will fall through. (I could have started looking into learning some coding basics in October.) I'm never sure these things are going to happen until they become official.

12. Although, every time a teacher has asked me (and I half expect it to fall through), the request happens in time.

13. The last two weeks of February are a perfect example. I'm booked. The teacher contacted me around Thanksgiving. It became official our first week back in January. And the teacher and I have conferred, so I'm ready. Gulp. 


  1. I don’t think I could handle the uncertainty of being a sub.

    1. It's something I've gotten used to over the years.

  2. I know very little about computer science, even after the classes I took in high school. It's like learning another language. Which I'm also bad at.

    (your blog didn't show up in my reader again; I hate when it does that, and have no idea why that randomly happens)

  3. Not having regular working hours makes it hard on the budget

    1. I used to worry about that. But lately I work pretty consistently, so it's not an issue.

  4. Kudos to you... being able to jump from Spanish to Math to Computer Science to... Reguires a lot of mental agility!

  5. thecontemplativecat here. I did a longterm sub for a 4th gr class whose teacher had a nervous breakdown. She stopped teaching regularly, the class went through at least 10 subs. I was signed on in February, was there until June. Poor kids. they felt abandoned.

    1. It's great that you stuck with them for the rest of the school year. That's rough on the students and the teacher.

  6. You get around! What a fun way to learn (and teach).

  7. You can just leap from one subject to the next - that is awesome. However, I can't suggest anything re computer science. I hope you find something to teach the teacher.

    1. I should talk to Mr. J and see if he has some ideas for what I should look into.

    2. I imagine Mr. J will have some great suggestions. Best wishes, my dear.

    3. Alas, Mr. J's leave has started early, so I won't get to talk to him. And since I'm booked elsewhere, someone else will be covering the class. (I found this all out today.)

  8. I would be scared handling most math classes.

  9. Thank goodness for substitute teachers like you, Liz!

  10. I could do a band class better than a math class. I salute for subbing; I tried it for a year and found it horrifying.

  11. It's like you're on the yellow brick road: French and math and computer science, oh my! (I forgot band, didn't I?) I admire how you switch gears so neatly.

    1. That's the fun in the job. Every day is a different adventure.

  12. YOu sure need to be versed on all the subjects to be a sub.

    1. Not necessarily. Most of the time they have independent work.


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