
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Locked In

Wednesday. I had accepted a gig covering a moderate to severe special ed class, so I was prepared for a certain kind of day. It's not that I have to mentally prepare myself or anything as I've covered those classes enough times in the past that I'm not worried. But I do go in with certain expectations.

I arrived at the school. I parked. I attempted to get out of my car...

I have an older car. It has a manual lock. I flipped the lock open, and it snapped. My door remained locked and I couldn't unlock it. I couldn't open the door.

I managed to climb out via the passenger side. But now I was in a panic. What was I going to do now?

I attempted to focus on the job. I was at school. I could work. 

For the first block (second period) we had "unified cheer". The school has been doing more inclusive things with this population, like having intramural basketball tournaments and such. They can't do all the intricate tricks and gymnastics that the general population cheer squad does, but they can do the basic cheers. So, they practiced those.

The class is mostly special ed, but it has a few general ed students, and they helped the kiddos along. It's a PE class for all of them.

I was the co-teacher in this situation, so the main PE teacher ran the class while I "assisted". (Read: hovered at the perimeter of the class while inwardly panicking about my car.) 

Yeah, I wasn't much of an assistant.

It turned out that I had a prep period after this. After one of the instructional aides suggested Auto Club, I attempted to call and get a person to see if they had someone that could help. But, alas, it's all automated now. But, during the block of my prep period, I managed to meet with a tow truck driver only to discover that I could unlock the driver side door from the outside with my key, so I could get in and out.

Well, that's something. 

Apparently, I need an auto body shop to make that particular repair. Which is something I need to do now.

But, until I find that, I can get in and out of the car and drive it around. So, I was able to get home. And to work the next day.

And I had some time to calm down so I could be of some use to periods six and eight. 

(The classes went pretty well. We had the usual behaviors, but nothing too terrible. I've had some days with some doozies of behavior, so it was a pretty decent day.)


  1. I can imagine your panic. Glad you found a work-around

  2. Oh, I know this very well! I have electronic locks (key will only unlock the tailgate), that are wonky. I've paid hundreds only to have them "repaired." The driver side won't open with the fob, so I have to reach in if it gets locked. The passenger back door doesn't unlock at all (that one cost me a lot, I had to pay the labor even though they couldn't fix it). The driver handle broke off, now replaced, but... it's all the little things with a 2000 vehicle, even if mechanically it's great and low mileage. I feel for you! I have AAA.

    1. I can't imagine the nightmare of those fobs. (Although, one of these days I probably should update my car and I'll get to learn how they work first hand.)

  3. What a thing to break. At least it doesn't make the car unusable until it's fixed.

  4. Yeesh. That'd be a panic-inducing moment for sure. That sucks you'll have to take it to a repair shop, but at least you have a work around.

    Random note one: my feed refused to update with your recent posts, which is why I commented on Tuesday's yesterday instead of Wednesdays. Hopefully it won't be so mean next month.

    Random note two: I saw this octopus blanket pop up in my feed, and I totally thought of you:

    1. I have my blog in my feed reader just to keep up with how it posts. I don't think it's popped up at all this week. And last week four posts appeared on one day. It's a me thing, not a you thing.

      That is quite the blanket. I'm impressed.

  5. I know the feeling of having something happen and then worrying about it all the work day. Fortunate that it was a good day, workwise. There are some good things to be said about older cars. The newer the car, the more expensive and the more things that seem to go wrong. It's tricky timing when to get rid of one and get something newer.

    1. Yeah, I don't really want to do the car shopping thing. One of these days...

  6. It’s Birgit and you don’t need that crap with your car. I. Glad you don’t have to climb out a window.

    1. I don't think I'd be physically able to climb out a window.

  7. OMG, I'm glad you got out. I can only imagine the look on your face when the lock snapped. I would've freaked out.

    1. It was more a feeling of disbelief. It took a bit before I really *got* what was happening.

  8. Hi Liz - well I'm glad it worked out so you can at least get on with things until it's properly fixed - all the best with that - cheers Hilary

  9. Oh gosh, have had that happen, where the lock from inside will only come partially up and not let me out (in my car, on either side). I have to restart the car usually, then try the electric lock again. But breaking off a manual lock knob, don't know about that. I can manually unlock from inside or use the switch on the door to unlock or lock.

    1. The lock is on the inside of the door, not one of those pop up thingies.


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