
Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Absence

The special ed social studies class I've been covering has an instructional assistant, Ms. P. She does all the grading, and she assists various students with their assignments. (Some need more help than others.) She also is the person the students are used to, so it wasn't so weird having a sub when they still Ms. P.

On Monday, Ms. P wiped down all the surfaces in the classroom. She sprayed Lysol on everything. Occasionally she'd do that, but she hadn't in about a week. 

Tuesday morning, I awoke to a text from Ms. P. She had the flu. 

(And suddenly the cleaning of the classroom made sense.)

While I would miss her presence, I was now familiar with the rhythms of the classes, so I knew I could run everything with her gone. 

On Wednesday, they sent me a sub.

There are substitute aides. When I was at the ATC, they were vital whenever one of the aides was out. For this class...? Ms. P asked if I wanted her to get a sub, and I said no. Because I knew.

But, this aide is a one-to-one, and his student was absent that day. (I encountered this frequently at the ATC. Those one-to-one aides would fill in someplace when their student was out.) 

As I had his student for two periods, Mr. C was familiar with the routines of the class. I told him to assist students who needed assistance. He took Ms. P's desk.

What I expected to happen happened. Not one student asked for help.

There are certain students who always work with Ms. P. I specifically offered them assistance. I specifically pointed out that there was an aide who could sit and work with them all period. They declined the help.

(It might be the whole stranger thing. It might be that Ms. P insists that they work with her. But I can understand why these students might not wish for help while Ms. P is out.)

At least Mr. C had brought a book. (His student tends to not need him for long stretches of time, so Mr. C is used to dead time.)

When they didn't send me a sub on Thursday or Friday, I wasn't terribly concerned. While Ms. P is necessary to the running of the classroom, her absence didn't cause a disruption. (Well, I mean, me grading their work isn't ideal, but I can manage if I have to.)


  1. I wonder if they have learned to rely on Ms. P's help since she's there and offers it, but don't really need it to the extend she offers. Sounds like they were capable of the work, at least that day. It might be a good thing she was absent!

    1. I wonder if they're not doing as much or as well without her help. I haven't had a chance to compare the grades yet. I have a feeling this is what's going to happen.

  2. As long as the students are doing what they’re supposed to do…

    1. I'm not having behavior issues. But these classes haven't given me behavior issues. Some of them aren't completing assignments, however.

  3. At the risk of betraying my age, things sure have changed. lol Back in the late eighties I got in trouble from my boss/father for reading when there was nothing else to do. He insisted I find something to *look* busy. Then again, maybe he feared accusations of favoring me.

    1. Nowadays we encourage students to pull out a book if they are caught up on their work for the day. The problem is, the students most likely to read are the ones who are more likely to skip their assignment to read something not curricular. (Reading's great. But reading instead of doing the assignment isn't.)

  4. Multiple teachers in a class is a good idea for situations just like this. It's too bad more classes don't have them.

  5. It doesn't surprise me that the substitute aide's help wasn't requested. It can be hard to accept change for some. Familiar is comforting.

  6. People can have anxieties and when someone else shows up, it's a disruption they don't like and would rather fail until they can talk to the one they know. I had many,many clients over the years who could have done the counseling with someone else but they only wanted me or the other counsellor they got to know.

    1. Oh yes, very true. That's why I didn't ask her to request a sub. I knew the students would wait for her to get back.

  7. That sounds like a good day for Mr. C since he got to sit there and read.

    1. And he got paid to do it. Some subbing days go like that, too.

  8. I wish I had my book to read when I was waiting for the doctor today. I may have finished it.


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