
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Not Me

What if? It's the basis of many stories. We ask. We ponder. We wonder. 

On Tuesdays I throw one out there. What if? It may be speculative. It may stem from something I see. It may be something I pull from the news. 

Make of it what you will. If a for instance is not specified, interpret that instance as you wish. And if the idea turns into a story, I'd appreciate a thank you in the acknowledgements 😉

What if someone blamed you for something you did not do? What if that person was able to make trouble for you, and they would not be convinced that you were not to blame? 

(Once upon a time, I had a coworker who was convinced I had "ratted her out" to the store's management. I had not. But she decided that she was going to get me back for this thing I did not do.) 


  1. I suppose there would be nothing to do but let it die down. If you can't convince the person you didn't do something, there's no sense trying. It does no good to keep saying, "It wasn't me." If your reputation is good with others, they won't believe it anyway. It reminds me of when my son took the bus to middle school, and the driver said he was standing in front of the bus, in the street, at the stop near our house. Highly unlikely, he was always a strict rule follower even as a toddler! Other students who knew him from elementary school told the driver that it had to have been someone else, he wouldn't do that. He felt guilt for jaywalking in college in order to catch the transfer bus on time! We met the principal and was told if he didn't get any other reports they would remove it from his "permanent record."

  2. Been there and it's hell. They don't listen to reason and they make trouble for you constantly.

  3. Had a neighbor who thought we had told a playmate's friend mother. they hated us for months. Then that mother set that aright. Damage already done.

  4. I immediately thought of the two Georgia election workers, and something like this, nowadays, could get quite dangerous for the victim quickly. Shudder.

  5. Considering I'm now 65 and many times don't care....
    If I would get into legal trouble, I'd have to fight tooth and nail to clear my name.
    If I would NOT get into legal trouble, I wouldn't care.
    Remember, 65.

    1. Heh... It's the one thing I look forward to as I age.

  6. Oh no, not good. But it happens and so is life. Misunderstandings happen.

  7. I am sure a lot of people can relate to this. It has happened to me as well. I actually didn't bother; and luckily there weren't any consequences for me. If such a situation were to recur, I would be worried only if that leads to consequences. I would just hope everyone would understand who was right and who was wrong.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.