
Friday, April 7, 2023

Figures 🙄

It was the same school day as I talked about yesterday. I had been assigned to an art classroom. 

As per normal, I was also assigned to cover a class on the teacher's conference period. It was a math class on the other side of campus. 

It was lunch right before, so instead of fighting crowds, I left the art classroom (in the 500 wing) to go to the math classroom (in the 100 wing) about five minutes before the end of lunch. And I got to the room just as the warning bell rang. 

When I'm covering a different class, I don't take everything that I brought on campus with me. My stuff will be safely locked up in the classroom to which I will return. 

I brought in an umbrella that day. It was raining when I arrived, but according to the weather app on my phone, the rain was due to stop around 11-ish. And it had stopped. The sun even came out.

I mean, the clouds were returning when I left for the math room, but it wasn't supposed to rain again that day. 

So, I left my umbrella in the art room which was clear on the other side of campus. 

And it wasn't raining when I got to the math room.

Class started. I was covering the special ed co-teacher, so the general ed teacher did her lesson on point-slope form. And I kept an eye on students who might need my help. (None did.) 

The classroom door was open. Almost halfway through the period, I noticed... No. It couldn't be. Rain? 

Yup, rain.

Of course. Figures.

The special ed teacher returned, and I was dismissed to go back to the classroom I was in for the rest of the day. All the way across campus. In the rain. Without my umbrella.

At least it wasn't raining very hard. I got a little damp, not very wet. 

I mean, I really should have paid attention to how gray those clouds were.

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter


  1. Here we can almost always tell when rain is coming, the sky appears cloudy most of the day. With you folks, you are not used to rain and your sky seems to have putted one over on yourself! lol..

    1. Sky appearing cloudy most of the day? That's just May gray or June gloom. It doesn't rain. I mean, this time the clouds did get very gray...

  2. Rain is 100% guaranteed if you don't have your umbrella. That's just a fact.

  3. Funny how the weather knows when we haven't brought our umbrellas with us.

    1. I mean, I carried the big umbrella onto campus. I just left it on the other side. Sigh.

  4. I have a compact umbrella in my car. Whenever it looks like it's going to rain, I slip it into my purse, which is usually large enough for it.

    1. I have a small compact umbrella for days when it might rain but it probably won't. As it had been raining when I got to school, that umbrella stayed in my car.

  5. Exactly. And if you schlepped the umbrella across campus, it would not have rained.

  6. Weather forecasts are generally right. But given the way weather is playing truant these days, the margin of error in the forecasts is much more nowadays.
    Here sometimes, it's bright sunshine, and then it begins to pour! No one knows from where the clouds came so fast!

  7. A fella with an umbrella...from Easter Parade which is sung by Peter Lawford to Judy Garland who was without an umbrella. It's always that way.

    1. He was actually the better catch in the movie, at least until Fred Astaire woke up ;)

  8. I got periodically soaked the other day. My umbrella was in the other vehicle. Oops.

    1. I own, like, five umbrellas. Which is a bit of irony considering where I live (and how often we actually get rain). One lives in my car. One visits my car during rainy season. And I have two that I have never used. (One looks like a katana sword case.)

      I always have an umbrella available. Well, always except when actual water falls from the actual sky.


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