
Saturday, April 1, 2023

About April

As I write this, it is March 29th, and I just decided to do the A to Z Challenge. Officially. 

For the last couple years, I've kind of done the challenge unofficially. I skipped Saturdays. But the rest of the week I posted as per usual, just making sure to match the post to the letter of the day. 

This is what I did in years I was officially doing the challenge, only adding in a picture for Saturdays.

But, as I didn't do the theme post, and as I've been saying in comments to other blogs that I wouldn't be doing it, I thought I should take a moment and acknowledge that I'm in this year. Officially. 

So, nothing's going to change, really. That's the game I play. Can I fit my usual to the letter of the day? I'm pretty sure I can do it. I've done it before.

Why did I change my mind? Well, I read through the sign up post on the A to Z Challenge Blog, and they've modified the blog hop part of the requirement. Going to visit five new blogs a day is too much work for not enough reward.

When I first did the challenge in 2013, I met a whole slew of new people. I followed some great blogs. But in the later years, that wasn't happening as much. I'd visit so many blogs, but I didn't connect with anyone new. And by the end of the month, I was just done.

But, it appears that I can specify when I sign up that I'm only visiting bloggers who visit me. Which is what I'm going to do anyway. Which is what I always do. 

So, I might as well make it official. I'm in.

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter


  1. I’m in, too, and we’re already friends, so …

    1. I always did keep up with posts from you all when I wasn't doing the challenge. I'll see your A post tomorrow. (Saturday I don't spend much time in front of the computer.)

  2. I usually go through the list at least once -- except for the adult content ones -- and visit again those who either visit me or the ones that I found interesting the first time round.

    Ronel visiting for A:
    My Languishing TBR: A
    Accomplished Athena

    1. When I started doing the challenge, there were over 1000 blogs on the list. Getting to them all wasn't possible. (Well, for me. I'm sure others could manage that.) See you around.

  3. I visit many. I am happy if it encourages bloggers to participate more.

    Good to see your first post. My first post. Articles and Blogs on Industrial Engineering

    #AtoZChallenge 2023 Theme: A to Z of Industrial Engineering

    1. It seems like it gets more bloggers in April, but in May...

  4. Well done Liz - I'll be looking, as I'm not participating - cheers Hilary

  5. Am one of those who you met along the way, and I'll be reading. Happy you joined up. I'm another who said she is only visiting blogs who visit me but we'll see what happens.

    1. Yeah, it's a lot of work to go through the list. I mean, it's a good thing if you have time, but I'm already looking at a busy month work-wise, so I'm not counting on being able to get to it.

  6. here. Google is messing with me, and it appears others. I did the A to Z bloghop for years and then I didn't want to keep up with the letters.

    1. I get it. I still blog 5 days a week, so adding in one more day and getting those posts to fit the letter is a fun game. If it wasn't, I wouldn't bother. And I really wish Blogger would figure it out. (I need to go to the other kinds of comments, but I like being able to comment back individually.)

  7. Good for you! I promise to be present more...I've been bad lately.

    1. No worries. Sometimes we just don't have as much time to visit blogs. It's one of the reasons I sat out A to Z in the past.

  8. For the several years I did it, I thoroughly enjoyed the A to Z Challenge. Not only was it great fun to wax silly, I met quite a few people. Sadly, it's a lot of work so I must bow out yet again. I've got a lot on my plate (for instance, my latest WIP is still idling, waiting for me and my muse to arrive). But, my hat's off to those who will carry on with the challenge this year. Perhaps in 2024...?

    1. Yeah, it is a lot of work. I realized I should probably have the time this month, which is why I changed my mind this late.

  9. I'm excited to read your posts! L and L is one friend I have from an A to Z, the only one I participated in, years ago.

    1. The thing is, nothing really changes around here. Monday's still going to be a knitting post. Tuesday is still a what if question. (Although, I'm not particularly pleased with that question. It's weak.) And then I round out the rest of the week with subbing stories.

    2. But your posts are always interesting. :) I'm sorry to have lagged so far behind.

    3. I try, but some weeks the kiddos don't do anything interesting. I'm at the whim of my experiences.

  10. I have not done that challenge in years. Did not realize that it was still being done. I will however give you and A for your post today!

    1. Just don't grade Friday's post, okay ;) (I haven't written it yet, but I think it'll be called "Figures".)

    2. haha....okay, you got it

  11. I decided last year to participate in the challenge, but I didn't post for the theme reveal or announce it anywhere except on the first day on my blog. lol

  12. Good luck! Been a while since I tackled the Challenge.

  13. Have fun doing it.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  14. Oh boy, AtoZ challenge has started! Totally forgot about it, and since Bloglovin is not working anymore, I lost all my list of blogs I was following, and I missed the news... Well done with being officially in ;))


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.