
Friday, March 17, 2023

Rainy Day

Friday I was covering a graphic arts class I had covered a couple times before. 

The students do various projects on the computer. They were finishing creating packaging and ads for a fictional collaboration between a celebrity and a brand. (There were lots of chips bags.) Then they were creating a concert poster. (One student had made something that looked like it belonged in the '60s. That's what she was going for.) 

And, of course, some students don't do much at all. (I chastened one group for playing "murderball" on their wheeled chairs. I had to explain the reference.) 

But the classes were pretty mellow, which was something I couldn't be sure would happen, as it was again pouring down rain all day. The last big rainy day didn't go so well for me.

This day, not so terrible. I got to sit and watch the rain from our door: 

If it had been windy, I would have had to keep that door closed, probably. But it's easier to keep it open, at least during passing periods so the students can get right in without having to open a door while dealing with their umbrellas. (There is no overhang over the doorway.) 

It's been a while since we had this much rain. Half of me enjoys it, the other half not so much.


  1. Sitting here in living room, back door to the deck open, rain on my tin roof (deck). Love that sound! Just noticed the wind has picked up a bit here, nothing bad, just enough to hear the chimes on the deck playing such pretty music! Other than that, rain and my bode just does not play pretty together. Not sure what I will get done today.

    1. I'm sorry. I don't get the aches from rain, so I can enjoy it when it happens. Although, not as much when the classroom has no overhangs anywhere nearby.

  2. I do enjoy a good storm, but I think we will get plenty of just rainy days this spring if it is a repeat of last year.

    1. Normally, we'd be just about done with rain for the year. This year, not so much.

  3. Murderball.. Haven't heard of that for 20 years. There was one male teacher who played that in the staff lounge. It was rugged. Here in Riverside county we have been inundated with the stuff for weeks.

    1. And you got some snow, too, from what I hear. Or was that just San Bernardino? After referencing murderball, I looked it up. That documentary came out in 2004. This year's 18-year-olds were born in 2005, so that's before their time.

  4. You definitely have different Marches than I do. This winter has been unusually mild, but usually we're still under threat of snow around here.

  5. Sounds like you’re just about “done” with the rain

    1. Yes and no. I'd rather it rained on the weekends. But we're forecasted more rain Monday or Tuesday, I think.

  6. It rains all year round over here in my corner of the world.
    I do enjoy a rainy day when I'm indoors.

  7. Finally we are getting a few days here without rain. You've had so much in CA for a change but heard at least your reservoirs are full or filling again.

    1. Yeah, I was glad to hear that the water wasn't just going back to the ocean.

  8. At least it should mean you don't have a drought this summer. If the water gets where it needs to, that is.

    1. From what I've heard, the various municipalities have been collecting as much rain water as they can for the reservoirs.

  9. We've hardly had any rain so far this year (and this is when we should be getting rain). They're forecasting some rain this week - as we need it I won't complain whenever it comes.


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