
Monday, January 30, 2023

A School Crochet Project

I made some progress on the scarf, mostly because I took it to school with me to work on when I had the odd moment and needed something to do with my hands. 

Just to compare, this is where it was last week:

So, progress. 

Because the question came up in the comments, I looked for a video to explain what a Möbius strip is. I found one by Neil deGrasse Tyson. It's a bit long-winded, but it really explains the shape:

The fact that one can crochet (or knit) something in that shape satisfies the math geek in me. (There are a couple ways one can introduce that half twist.) What's really cool is that because the shape has one edge, I'm just working around and around and around, and it grows from the center out.

I need to make a video showing off how the thing works in crochet. Maybe one of these days...


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, I have an idea, but getting to the doing is what's holding me up.

  2. It's looking good. I find kids (and adults) love the mystery of the strips. How you can cut them, and they either make two, hooked, or a bigger one. I forget which comes first. I should make one and see! They're fun, and a wearable is is really interesting.

    1. It's fun to crochet as it's only one edge, so it works from the center out.

  3. It's going to be so cool when it's finished.

  4. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, I love how he explains things

    1. He takes a while in the video, but it looks like it was done during lockdown times, so it might just be that there's no animations and such.

  5. I have one of Neil DeGrasse Tyson's books out of the library, but I had put it to one side. I need to get it read. I love watching him in TV interviews and I'm sure. I think I've mentioned that he went to my high school, but our years didn't overlap.

  6. I didn't finish a thought. I love watching hi in TV interviews and I'm sure I'll enjoy the video. But not right now, apparently! Sigh...

    1. Well, it'll be there when you get the inclination.

  7. You got me singing Twisting the Night Away now.

  8. Ok, I watched it....maybe I’m too Anyhoo, I love how your scarf is coming along.

    1. Now you know what a Mobius is. It's just a scarf with a twist in it.


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.