
Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Unexpected Knowledge

Have you heard of Nellie Bly?

Eighth grade English. The students were reading chapter 4 from her book Ten Days in the Madhouse. They have a textbook that contains various readings, and the current unit is on suspense. 

Because eighth graders, I decided it would be a good idea to give them a little context. Each reading has an introduction, so we read that, and then I went about explaining (just a bit) about who she was.

Only, it turned out that was unnecessary. 

Often, I'm surprised at what they don't know. This time, I was surprised by what they did.

Upon further questioning, I gleaned that last school year they had had a project where they researched a historical figure. Some of them chose Nellie Bly. They had to do a presentation. Some of them remembered seeing a classmate's presentation on her. 

It was only two or three students each class who remembered. But that was two or three more students than I expected. 


  1. After all you go through, it's nice to have surprises like that.

    1. I don't write about the good days too often. This... wasn't. They were 8th graders. 8th graders gonna 8th grade.

  2. I had never heard of Nellie Bly. I had to took her up. Now I have learned something new :).

    1. I almost wrote a quick bio for the post, but I realized that the link I gave did a much better job than I would have.

  3. Wow, students remembering something they learned in school. I guess there's a first time for everything.

  4. Oh Nellie! I wished things I had learned in school, MANY, MANY years ago would come back to this slow brain.

    1. They're there. They're just not as accessible as they once were ;)

  5. Hurrah, for good surprises! I bought a paperback bio on Nellie Bly in fifth grade. I wanted to be her!


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