
Friday, September 23, 2022

The Boyfriend

On my second day covering Mrs. D's chemistry classes, Adrian approached me before sixth period. He didn't have an eighth period, and he didn't want to leave campus early, so could he hang out in the back of the class during my eighth period? 

I didn't see the harm in it. 

And on that first day, it was fine. Adrian sat in the back of the room and kept quiet. 

But I didn't realize two things. One: Adrian took my permission to mean he could hang out every eighth period. And two: Adrian's girlfriend was in period eight. 

When I start covering a class, I don't necessarily remember every student. It takes me a couple days (at minimum) to catch on to certain things. So, it took me over a week to realize that Adrian was the ingredient causing period eight to be a problem. 

(We're on a block schedule, so I only saw period eight every other day.)

First, he took another student's seat so he could sit next to the girlfriend. Once I caught on to that, the girlfriend went to sit next to him in the back. 

I mean, they were doing work. I heard them talking, and they were actually discussing the assignment. 

But, they were also all over each other. They weren't making out or anything, but it was clear they are a couple. And while it was all PG, it was still distracting, and neither were getting very much done.

Well, Adrian had overstayed his welcome. I told him not to come to period eight anymore.

That's what I get for being nice. The next student that wonders why I won't let them hang out in class can ask Adrian all about it.


  1. Here they thought they'd beat the system! Even PG is not appropriate for the classroom. His girlfriend is better off without him there. Boyfriends are very distracting. I remember having no last period, and having to hang around since I took the bus.

    1. Yes, it was very distracting, for them and for me.

  2. Said it before, teens love to push the envelope. I raised two and I have grandson.....thank goodness I am not having to raise them.

  3. Young love. Sometimes being nice comes back to bite you, especially with kids this age!

  4. No good deed...teaching always is a learning experience, it would seem.

  5. Pushing the envelope is what teens are all about

  6. Ah teen love and its challenges, for all.

  7. Teen love is so cute and how he want to be next her girlfriend.

    1. Not cute. Distracting. And annoying. (There's a story that's not blog appropriate that comes to mind.)

  8. Made me think of my puppy love. Teenage is such a glorious phase of life, love makes it even better!

  9. I would find it distracting and annoying.
    And I agree - even PG is not appropriate for the classroom.

  10. Aww it's sweet they wanted to be together, but I agree there is a time and a place and a classroom is not it!

    1. If he wanted to wait for her, he can, but in the back of the classroom while she works at the front. Sigh.

  11. I echo Song Bird.
    I been having issue with blogger.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  12. Being in the class with the girlfriend or boyfriend is one thing, and getting carried away by love and being a distraction for all is another. They cross the line, and you did the right thing.

  13. There is usually an alternative motive to innocent requests.

  14. Teens! They think they are so much smarter than grown ups, lol.


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