
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Not Quite All Set

On the Monday of the week I was covering ceramics, I ran into Mrs. D, the chemistry teacher. She asked if I would be interested in covering her classes for three weeks.

(Mrs. D isn't out often, but I have covered her classes in the past. In the before times and during hybrid school.) 

Mrs. D had to go to India for family issues (her daughter). She knows that I'm familiar with chemistry (as my degree is in physics), so her classes wouldn't get behind while she was out. (Although, at this point I wonder who they would be behind. The other chemistry teacher at the school has been out all week as well. I haven't heard for sure, but I suspect Covid.) 

On the prior Friday, she sent me her lesson plans. She gave me access to her Google Classroom, although her lessons were in Clever. Because I don't have Clever access, she made hard copies of the answer keys. (We had a couple discussions before she left so that I knew what we'd be doing and she could make sure I had everything I'd need.) 

So, this past Monday it began. 

And I was ready.

Yeah, famous last words...

Because that Monday, everything went sideways. 

(Okay, well not everything...) 

For some reason, I was running late. And that heat wave that we had mostly avoided the past month hit us full force. So, I get to school, and the secretary who normally checks subs in was out sick (not Covid, just a run-of-the-mill toothache). 

Alas, that school doesn't have back up people who know what they're doing, so it didn't go so smoothly getting keys and the passwords I need to take attendance. (Actually, I didn't get that password. I had to take roll via a paper roster. Annoying, but doable.) But I got my stuff, and I headed for the room.

Only to have to return to the office as the key I was given was for the wrong classroom. Sigh. 

By the time I got into the room, I was a puddle of sweat, and I had just a few minutes to get situated to start the day. 

The day? I mean, it wasn't terrible. I had the usual (for this time of year) drops and adds of students. Mrs. D had already passed out their packets, but they hadn't quite understood that she'd be out and that I was to check their work after each assignment was completed. 

It was just that all day I felt as if I was catching up from behind. 

As I write this (after the first week is over), everything is pretty well situated. But that first day was a doozy. 


  1. I really don't like that feeling of perpetually needing to catch up from behind. I'm sorry the day started like that for you. Very glad to hear that it's gotten better. Hope it stays that day (and that I didn't just jinx things for you...)!

  2. Hopefully you got it all out of the way on the first day!

  3. I am impressed you have a physics degree.

    1. Don't be. I've done absolutely nothing with it.

    2. But, still, you know how things work. That is very impressive. I have trouble figuring out a toaster.

    3. Some things. I mean, I'm great this week with the atoms the students are studying...

  4. That's what happens when only one person knows how to do a job. Dumb.

    1. She'll be doing some training after this. The other schools have other employees who know enough to get the subs checked in when the usual one is out. But too many employees moved about this year, so this school hasn't gotten that part figured out yet. It's still early in the year.

  5. Why is it that when you need everything to fall neatly into place, it never does. In fact, "sideways" is usually what happens. Congrats on getting through that first day and moving on.

    1. If she had been out today or tomorrow, no problem. I'm good to go. It was just that first day.

  6. Working in the heat is exhausting. I'm lucky that I always run cold, so I wear fleece while at my desk in the summer. Can always add layers, but can't always take them off.

    I hope there's less stress with future classes!

    1. I've got the hang of things now. Alas, the heatwave is worse, so I've been dealing with just being miserably hot. At least the kiddos haven't complained that I have the a/c on full blast.

  7. Hoping the rest of this assignment goes smoothly. Heat always (at least for me) seems to make bad situations worse.

    1. It's been okay thus far. I've had a couple things that will make for good blog posts for next week, though.

  8. I feel for you, Liz, being out there in this heat. We haven’t left the house since Saturday. I hope you have a fan in your class.

  9. The principal should have a wild idea to have another person knowledgeable about what the secretary does. I'm just saying.

    1. Usually there is someone. It's just this time of the year, when jobs got shifted and things are getting set up. I got where I needed to go, eventually.

  10. I'm glad the class settled, but sounds like you were probably regretting saying yes on that first day.

  11. That must have been so frustrating! Glad it all got sorted out.


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