
Friday, August 19, 2022

A Makeshift Birthday Card

In every workplace there is that one person who takes on the emotional labor of keeping track of everyone's birthdays. They remind those around them of the upcoming, and they make sure that those birthdays get some sort of recognition. 

Friday. The second day of school. 

As we got things situated on Thursday, the aide commented that she had never worked on her birthday before. (Our school year is starting a whole lot earlier than it used to.) She wrote her birthday on the calendar. It was the next day. 

Ms. D had been one of the aides in Ms. S's class last year. (This is the class I covered from November to the end of January.) And Ms. D was the one who kept track of the students' birthdays and such. 

It totally slipped my mind that it was her birthday the next day, so I didn't remember to go out and at least get her a card. But I did remember when she arrived, so the class sang "Happy Birthday" to her. 

As soon as she went out of class to do something, I grabbed some construction paper and created a card for her. I had the students sign it. 

Then, quietly, I got the other aide to distribute the card to the rest of the school. 

I wasn't that sneaky about it, but Ms. D seemed surprised when I presented the card to her at the end of the day. 

Because the person who remembers everyone else's birthday deserves to have her birthday remembered. Even if it was kind of makeshift. Sigh. 

I informed Mr. G of the event. I hope he brings in a cake or something for her.


  1. Replies
    1. I had to do something. She'd been so much help to me when I needed it, and she deserved some recognition. Besides, the joy of the birthday card comes from everyone signing it, not the specific card itself.

  2. "Emotional labor." Ha! I have enough trouble keeping track of my OWN birthday,

    1. There's always someone who keeps track of these things. If it's not you, look around. Let them know you appreciate their efforts to keep on top of those things.

  3. That was good. I like this story.

    1. The IAs do so much, keeping that school running. They deserve appreciation, especially for birthdays.

  4. Well done Liz ... I sure hope she gets a bit more recognition - it's obviously something she values ... and she has a happy day - cheers Hilary

  5. That's what I call thinking on your feet, and sometimes things like that actually work out better than planning and freting when things don't go according to the plan.

    1. True. I'm not a permanent employee, so I wasn't going to have a lot of prep time for this anyway.

  6. Sound like it worked out.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. As the saying goes, it is the thought that counts. I bet she appreciated you doing something, because usually the one who remembers never gets remembered themselves.

  8. This is so cute, a personalised card is always special!

    1. The best part is everyone signing it anyway.

  9. I am certain she appreciated the sweet gesture.
    Quick thinking on your part, Liz.

  10. Oh that was nice of you to put the effort in to do something special and to get everyone to sign it :)

    Hope you had a great weekend! We had a really fun one.

    Away From The Blue

    1. I know what it's like to have a birthday not noted, and I didn't want to do that to someone else.

  11. At most of the places I have worked, I took it upon myself to keep up with the Bdays....but that was just so I could remember to say Happy Bday.Its always nice when someone you don't expect says Hey, Bday to you

    1. Ah, so you were that person at your jobs. There's always one...


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