
Friday, July 1, 2022

The Holiday

Juneteenth is a brand new holiday. (It only became a holiday last year.) It's so new that it took the summer school administration completely by surprise. 

June 19th was a Sunday. A lot of places took the holiday on the following Monday. We did not.

The summer school principal came to see me at the beginning of Monday. He said he had gotten five calls already about whether the day was a holiday or not. It hadn't occurred to him to send out an email saying that we would have school. 

He wasn't sure how many students would show up. 

I actually wasn't missing very many. And because summer school is so short, it wasn't like I could really skip the lessons for the day. 

I assume they'll be better prepared for Juneteenth next year. They'd better be. It will actually fall on a Monday.


  1. The city employees of Metro here in TN were off for that holiday but the employees of state government was not. Thinking that it is a holiday that will need time to take hold.

    1. Yeah, it's going to take some time to get on everyone's radar.

  2. I think it's going to take some time for people to "get" that it's a holiday.

    1. Yeah. It doesn't help that the first celebration of it (officially) fell on a Saturday.

  3. Hi Liz ~ what’s it for? Nice to have it though … cheers Hilary

  4. They won't actually prepare for it until it causes a huge disaster in some way. I'm not sure this one was big enough.

  5. I must’ve been sleeping when Juneteenth was declared a federal holiday. Good thing the Husband was awake.

  6. Of course, growing up I never learned about it in school. I'm finding out about a lot of important history since then. My brother lives near Richmond, CA, and they've a Juneteenth parade and festival for years. I think my brother telling me about it was the first I'd heard of the historical meaning. And, sadly, I think that was only about 14 years ago.

    1. Yeah, I didn't even know the word Juneteenth until I was an adult, older than my 30s, maybe even 40s. At least we know about it now.

  7. Our local government offices were closed, my husband's office was closed, and a few businesses had closed put a note on the door. As time goes on, I believe we'll see more made of the holiday. There were festivals here the last 2 years for it, but they weren't very well advertised.

    1. It's new to us. It'll take time for it to establish a foothold in our consciousness.

  8. One of favorite things which people do is connect holiday with weekend and took some extra days. I'm not surprise because students was think that is holiday.

  9. Preparing always helps sometimes learning by rote but understanding the subject is the best way. I can still remember stuff from school drilled into me and its always the enjoyable topics which are easier to recall.

  10. We always have the holiday moved to a weekday if it falls on a weekend here in Australia - it's a shame for those working the actual day as they don't get the extra public holiday pay, but good for those who do have to work on the Monday and don't get the day off.

    Hope you had a good weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

  11. Mostly our holidays have been moved to Mondays, but not all.

  12. Hopefully they'll have a better plan next year. My job is giving it to us as a floating holiday to be used within the calendar year.

    1. I would hope so, but we'll see. Or we won't. We'll definitely be off school, so it'll be up to the summer school peeps to make sure it's a day off.

  13. I've been celebrating Juneteenth for about 30 years now. Quite delighted that so many are now embracing it

    1. And now you can officially get the day off :)

  14. Sounds confusing. I've never heard of Juneteenth. What's it celebrating?

  15. I've never heard of Juneteenth!

    Over here, a holiday is always moved to a Monday if it falls on a weekend.

  16. next year it would be on a Monday :D

    this is the first time heard of "juneteenth" Didn't even know it is a word


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