
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Thank You for Your Support

Speculative fiction has a long history of taking the issues of the day and reframing them in a new context with the hope that people will look at them in a new way. Our "unprecedented" times are bringing all sorts of old ways and old thinking back to the forefront. On Tuesdays, I present "what if?" questions. Previously, the intent was as an idea generator. It still is. But now, I ask that you really think about all the repercussions that these ideas will have. If only these were just thought exercises. 

What if "you" are supporting the fascists who are taking over? 

By "you", I mean that you as an individual are part of the group that the fascists have co-opted. (I doubt any of us would actually support the fascists otherwise.) And by "who are taking over"... You're paying attention, right? Here in the US, it's happening. Right now. 


  1. Once I learn that business owners are MAGA people, I immediately stop giving my money to them. There’s quite a few in our town. Yuck.

    1. Yes! A few stores here have signs criticizing our governor, and previously mask mandates. They lost my business. They're free to believe that way, but bring it into the business and they're risking customer loss. Same for me with religious beliefs being part of business missions. And now? So many, women especially, should think twice about where they buy their craft supplies! They should have always thought of it.
      I'd leave the group, even cut off family if it was serious. We need to look into things, do our research. Somehow I was put on a conservative email list, and am swamped with trash. I hesitate to click the unsubscribe link, only do if I look up the mail source and it's real.

  2. We are living in a scary world.

    I know a woman who survived Kristalnacht, she lost her father and grandfather that night, and lost other relatives in the Holocaust. Back in 2016 she told me she was afraid, that she saw too many parallels between what happened in her childhood and what was happening in this country.

    1. So many are warning us. Sadly, I think those that keep pushing for these policies actually want to emulate that. We need to make them irrelevant again.

  3. Sadly, yes it is happening. The orange one gave me license to do all kinds of horrible things. We're seeing it unfold each day as we learn more and more about the trump court, the insurrection etc. I try not to support businesses that are MAGA owned or managed. I try to separate myself from the extreme right. Don't want anyone to think I support any of them or their racist ideas among other things.

    1. It's sad how so many formerly reasonable people have gone to the dark side.

  4. Unfortunately, this doesn't feel like much of a 'What if' scenario. :/

    1. I'm taking my what ifs from the headlines nowadays. Nothing I can think up is more dystopian than real life right now.

  5. I think we all form our opinions based on our own past experiences, values, motives, ability to process concrete and abstract information, emotional wellbeing, need to feel a sense of belonging, etc. They are very subjective. I tend to value relationships over ideas. This is not to say that it is the right way... only, it is my way. I don't believe others to be inherently evil if they hold opinions that differ from my own. To do so would suggest that I believe myself to be omniscient and infallible. Life shows me my flaws too regularly for a foolish belief such as that! After all, I once firmly believed that anyone who didin't also own the Michael Jackson thriller jacket had no sense of fashion and obviously didn't belong in my clique of coolness. HA!

    1. That's the rub. What if those people who you have formed a bond with have found that they like fascism?

  6. By 2016, the two Holocaust survivors I knew had both passed on. I can imagine what they would have told me, though, as they both grew up in Nazi Germany. So many in that country didn't take what was happening seriously, and even I had a degree of disbelief in 2016. Now, I don't know if it's too late to turn back what is happening. I know of people who have gone to the dark side. They used to be decent, caring people. I can't understand it.

    1. It's not too late to turn back. Of that I am certain. But we all have to push us back the right way.

  7. Liz, I admire your faith. Far too many are despairing of our future

  8. If my mom was alive she would be so scared and wondering what is in the cereal that many Americans are gobbling up. One has no idea that you could be friends with someone who thinks Jan 6th was right. To be honest, there are bloggers I speak to who think Trump and Conway speak sense. I just shake my head and leave that part alone. My mom remembers her mom going to the same store, owned by a Jewish family and being told not yo go there. My Oma just said they have the best and I will continue to go. My mom was giving her sandwiches to a man on the other side of the was a factory. My Opa was sent to a concentration camp because he spoke out against Hitler. It is a dangerous cult.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.