
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Jail or Death

Speculative fiction has a long history of taking the issues of the day and reframing them in a new context with the hope that people will look at them in a new way. Our "unprecedented" times are bringing all sorts of old ways and old thinking back to the forefront. On Tuesdays, I present "what if?" questions. Previously, the intent was as an idea generator. It still is. But now, I ask that you really think about all the repercussions that these ideas will have. If only these were just thought exercises.

What if getting medical help meant you risked going to jail? What if not getting that medical help might kill you?

Sadly, this is real.


  1. first off, I feel like we went over this a few weeks ago. Or something very similar. While I would not, at this time go through cancer treatment to extend my life six months to a year longer. I would consider doing something illegal to save my life if I deemed it worthy.

    1. Oh yes, I'm a one topic what if-er for the foreseeable future. (Feel free to skip Tuesdays for a bit.)

  2. Risk jail for sure. Usually those laws are stupid so I would want to save my life

  3. What a question. I would get medical help. Either one could mean death, so take that option.

    1. If only the question was a true hypothetical...

  4. First off... I don't see this as the same hypothetical as a few weeks ago. This is about denying actual lifesaving treatment. I'd get the medical treatment. I doubt "they" will actually arrest, try, and incarcerate for the reason I'm thinking. If they do, well, the uproar that will cause, and create martyrs to the cause.

  5. Of course it's real. We're dealing with the American health care system.

  6. I wish there were a third choice.

    1. In a civilized society, those wouldn't be the choices. Alas, we don't live in a civilized society anymore.

  7. The scenario I'm thinking of is real in some other countries already and is in danger of becoming real, too. I would get the medical treatment and risk jail. If I don't seek treatment and die, I'm dead and there is no hope. If I'm alive but imprisoned there is hope that my case (or even me myself, if I can manage to do so from jail) might lead to something good.

    1. Yes, ideally. I just wish it didn't have to take jail time to make the change.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.