
Friday, November 26, 2021

Merry Quizmas

As this is a holiday week for us (my subbing stories from last week will appear next week), that makes today a Random Quiz Friday. And as this is the OG Black Friday, I thought I'd repost "a nearly impossible holiday character challenge": 

Merry Quizmas

I have posted this several times in the past, but it'll be new to newer followers. 

How it works: you click on each character and your task is to identify them. The quiz is very forgiving, though, so you can name the character, the movie/book/myth the character is from, or the actor who played them. If you're close, it gives you the point. 

It's hard, though. I would suggest doing this with a partner or a group. (And a Reddit group cobbled together the answers here if you wish to cheat check your answers when you finish.) 


  1. I'll pass on the quiz today; brain not quite operating at 100%. Ah, the holiday season. I see you have one of the tweets posted about the big "Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?" debate. Matthew Black's post is too funny. Alana

    1. I had to repost that. I lose my mind every time I see "Jesus is the reason for the season", and this tweaked that in a way I enjoyed. Although, I'm firmly on the side of Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. But I have no issue with people who watch it at Christmas time.

  2. Trading Places! Nice one.
    I didn't know all the images, but didn't do as poorly as I thought I would.

    1. I love that you can put in Trading Places and get a correct answer (rather than trying to remember what that character's name was).

  3. I actually got 42/60 this time. Not bad.

  4. No quiz for this gal, hope Thanksgiving was good.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. I knew few, but the ones I knew, I knew! No wrongs, because I didn't even try the one I didn't recognize. How many was that? Just 16! I think I tried it last year, and didn't know any more than then.

    1. Some of them are very obscure. 16 is actually pretty good.

  6. Oh I thought I'd get more! I got just 31! haha! I tweeted my result as I want to see if others get more!

    Hope that you are having a great weekend :) I had a long but fun day at the shops yesterday, finishing my Christmas shopping.

    Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

    1. I can get 60, but that's only because I cheat :) I can't recall what I did without cheating, but it was under half.

  7. Interesting, quiz not for me now
    too much things to do.


  8. 21 correct - although when I looked at the Reddit answers I was bummed that a few I put the name of the movie in weren't accepted. I guess they wanted the character name.Hard but fun!


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