
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Population 2

There are no stupid questions. Well...

Monday was my last day in the geography class as Mrs. O was returning Tuesday. The PowerPoint topic for the day was population. 

Fifth period was the difficult class, and Monday they were worse than normal. So, there was lots of me pausing and waiting for them to settle so I could go over the information. 

We were talking about the world population and how it is increasing, and we were talking about where in the world the population was decreasing and how that wasn't a great thing. That's when Alden piped up. 

"What if there were only two people left in the world and they were brother and sister?" 

At which point, other students chimed in with, "That's a stupid question," and "There's no such thing as a stupid question". 

I mean... Really, questions are good. I don't mind explaining some things when questions come up. But fourteen-year-olds and that question. Nope. Not happening. Especially not on a day where we had more content than time.

At the end of the period I told them it was my last day. And they acted disappointed. I kind of shook my head at that, because the prior class period, they were asking when I was leaving and they straight up told me they didn't like me and would be glad when I was gone. 

Kids. This is one strange gig sometimes.


  1. You can never predict kids, can you? I loved that boy's question btw. You have a thinker in that class. I'm scratching my head about the answer.

    1. If only he would apply those thoughts to completing assignments.

  2. Replies
    1. Some of them, yes. But some of them, definitely not.

  3. I recently thought about becoming a sub since the Governor is offering paid time off for state workers, but I haven't yet taken the plunge to get certified or background check (though I had to pass a polygraph to get my current job with the state).

    Wow about the rudeness of the previous class period. That's freaking ridiculous.

    1. I would encourage you to do it. The blog fodder alone... Seriously, we need all the help we can get, and many days (like today for example) are lovely, and my biggest issue is attempting to stay awake (because the classes are so peaceful and quiet). It's a great time to write...

  4. That's quite a question! I wonder how long it was brewing in that kid's head.

    1. I can't imagine long, as the topic of the day was population. I don't think he's the type to hold onto thoughts. I rather think he blurts them out when they occur.

  5. That question with a group of 14-year-olds would definitely require time. And patience.

    And when I read the previous class's reaction to your announcement, I thought, "Yep. That sounds about right."

    Working with kids means never having a dull moment.

  6. Certainly not a question you'd want to answer!

    1. It might make for an interesting discussion, but only for a group that would consider it. Theirs was a more giggle response.

  7. Well, anything under 10,000 doesn't have enough genetic diversity to save the human race. It being down to one pair of siblings really won't matter, the human race will be extinct.

  8. I don't know how I'd deal with being told that I wasn't liked by a room full of Ss. As for the question posed by Ss re: global population...I think I'd shut that down fairly quickly.

    1. That wasn't the first time...

      We were discussing global population, and we had just gone over a slide that described some countries' attempts to raise their birth rate. We were on that line already, so I was surprised no one else picked up on that drift.

  9. We started with just two, but they weren't brother and sister. Boy, that discussion could've turned weird.

  10. The entire so called Adam and Eve could be discuss for every and every.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  11. That's an interesting realm of questioning, one I ask myself every time I go through Genesis, because who did Cain marry? Thanks for your thoughts on my blog post. Good for you for subbing in these merciless times. I did it 30 years ago and it wasn't for me.

  12. I might've told him that if that were the case, humans were doomed.

  13. What an icky question unless you were back 4,000 yrs ago in Egypt

  14. Hi Liz - they are an 'interesting bunch' ... and will always ask questions ... take care and good luck for your next classes. Cheers Hilary


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.