
Friday, September 17, 2021


After a chaotic Thursday, Friday was back to normal. We were back on campus, and by fourth period, I was in my usual groove. 

The previous week, the teacher had been on campus and dropped off some work to be returned to students, including notebooks. I had returned all but the one to Edith. The previous day period four was in class (we're on a block schedule, so we don't meet with every class every day), I had left her notebook on her desk. When she wasn't there, I retrieved it and stashed it away.

Before class, I checked the online attendance. It showed that Edith was on an excused absence for the day. I left the notebook put away. 

Fourth period starts. I start up the PowerPoint for the lesson. Edith approaches asking for her notebook... 

Ah, Edith is in class. Oops. 

I apologized for not having her notebook at the ready. I mentioned the absence online. 

Edith's reply: "I tested negative..." 

I mean, I knew what the attendance code meant. I figured if she was in class, things were clear.

She got back just in time, too. There was a football game that night. She was in her cheerleader uniform. I don't think she would have enjoyed having to miss the game.


  1. Always good when the test's negative, no matter what they're testing for! One of our local high schools has a few hundred students quarantining; some football players tested positive. They way the media is going on you'd think football was the reason the kids were in school at all.

    1. But don't you know that football is the only reason they're in school... ;) Well, that and child care.

  2. Glad it was negative. There's definitely been more cases here now that school's started. People just aren't being careful.

  3. Our schools have only been in session a little over a week, and I'm already hearing stories of pharmacies (we don't have a state test site anymore) getting overwhelmed with children who need to be tested for one reason or another. The home tests are expensive! I feel for parents, teachers and students right now.

    1. Our district has a testing site for employees and students. I'm surprised the schools in your area aren't doing something similar.

  4. Now what school mascot your at.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. It's good she was able to get tested and get the results so quickly. It's getting harder to get tested here, but we have a fairly low vaccination percentage, so there are a lot of people who need tests.

    1. She was out for a bit over a week, so that wasn't really fast, assuming she got tested right away.

  6. A cheerleader? Missing a game? No no no no no no.
    Glad she was negative.

    1. Considering everything, she'd be excused from the game in this case.

  7. I am so glad that I don't do what you do! haha....always so much going on and so much drama. So gald she was tested and got back the results so fast.

    1. Teenagers. I knew there'd be drama when I took the gig.

  8. Kudos to you. Your job is a tough one, and critically important. Sounds like you are very good at it!

  9. It's a shame that there is so many cases around and exposure chances that kids miss school until they get that negative result, but it's good it was negative in the end :) We are so lucky here to have no cases so that if a case does pop up at a school they close the school for 2 weeks while everyone quarantines then it doesn't spread and we are back to 0 cases.

    Hope you had a great weekend :) We had so much fun at the Lego exhibition at the museum yesterday.

    Away From The Blue

    1. It would be nice if we could do that, but that ship sailed a long time ago around here.

  10. Nice to have the power back, at least. Motivation for kids is not always going to school for studying ;))

  11. She seems to have good health at the best of times! Great planning.

  12. Hi Liz ... I am just glad I'm not sorting kids out - though I'm sure it's inspiring at times. Cheers - Hilary

  13. It's always something, isn't it? Keep up the good work.


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