
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Close the Door

Monday, fifth period. Geography. 

Alden will not keep his mask on. (Alden belongs at the alternative education center. He would fit in so well there.) I am constantly on him to pull it back over his mouth and nose. 

In exasperation, I asked Alden what the issue was. He said he did not like wearing it. I replied I wasn't fond of the masks either. 

Ramses (seated next to him) then piped up. "You know, we could close the door, and then none of us would have to wear our masks..." 


No. Just no. 

Just that past Friday the Homecoming Assembly had to be cancelled, and pretty much the entire football team was that day (and the whole week) on Covid quarantine. And Ramses thought it was a good idea to have fewer protections? 


I just... I can't... I... 

This is why subs are needed. The kiddos can't be trusted without adult supervision.


  1. Close the door and the germs can't get in. Probably so no one could see, but I like the idea of keeping the germs out better!
    A local high school here has a lot of quarantines due to the football team too. But, for some reason, you just can't curtail football. What's with Americans and high school football? Play it and you live on the glory for life it seems.

    1. That's assuming the kiddos aren't bringing the virus in with them. It's not a good assumption.

      The funny thing is, the football team (at least, the freshmen) think they're all that, but the other kiddos aren't all that impressed by them. So, I don't get it. It's the ritual of the thing, I guess.

  2. They're still smarter than cable news viewers.

  3. Educate these kids, their parents clearly didn’t pay attention in science class,

  4. Kids and adults can be such idiots at times. Should show them a show on polio.

  5. What a task you have! Nobody enjoys wearing a mask all the time, but it's a small price to pay for saving lives.

  6. Typical kids - if there was an easy solution they don't think grownups would have thought of it, lol.

  7. I liked the bit about keeping the door shut! O, yes, they need to supervised.

  8. Hi Liz - I feel for you ... take care and carry on with the patience ... all the best - Hilary

  9. I don't know how you wear a mask all day long. I asked my grandkids if it bothered them and they all said no, that it was just something they did now. I hope this doesn't last much longer. Stay safe Liz. Kids are the petri dishes of life.

    1. Whenever the kiddos are out of the room, I take the mask off. But you do get used to it.

  10. How would closing the door negate the need for masks?!? It's not like COVID knocks politely and waits to be invited in. In fairness to kids, though, plenty of adults are being awfully stupid about masks, too.

    1. His point was that the principal and administrators wouldn't see them maskless if the door was closed, thinking that I was only enforcing the rules out of fear from reprisals.

  11. I'm soooo thankful we don't need them around here if we're vaccinated (at least for now). Stay safe and sane!

    1. The "you don't have to wear a mask indoors if you're vaccinated" lasted about five minutes for us. Then our cases started rising again, and indoor mask mandates returned.


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