
Friday, August 20, 2021

Hit the Ground Running

My week-long assignment at the continuation high school evaporated Thursday evening. As I left the school that afternoon, the secretary informed me that Mr. G's jury was in deliberations. So, when I got an email later saying that he would return to work on Friday, I was not surprised. 

Later that night, I got an email from the sub caller saying they needed me elsewhere Friday. Friday the 13th. The second day of school. 

I was sent to the school I did my long-terms at last school year (so three to five months ago) and told that they would place me where they needed me. 

So... Things are kind of a mess right now. They have a bunch of new teachers, and there are still a few vacant positions. And subs aren't around. 

As I was checking in, the secretary got a call from the district office pulling two subs that were scheduled to be there that day. 

I was given the graphic arts class for the day. I'm familiar with the class. Fun fact: on Friday, March 13th (2020), the last school day before everything shut down, this is the class I covered. 

Luckily, the school was doing an orientation-type thing for the first two days of school, so lesson plans weren't an issue. Getting access to the day's script and getting the technology to work so I could present the lesson was. 

Gee, it's like I never left. 

So, we're back to full in-person school. Everyone is required to wear masks. And, for the most part, the kiddos have been. 

I did manage to get what I needed for the day. We muddled through. (Alas, the air conditioning in the classroom wasn't working, so it was a hot and sweaty day for me.) 

Things should settle in a week or two. The first couple weeks are always a bit like this. At least I haven't been stuck with a vacant class yet. I kind of want to avoid that this year if I can.


  1. Back to school, end of summer... Fun to teach the same class ;)

  2. And just like that, summer is over

    1. Yup. And I am definitely running as of this moment.

  3. They must be so glad to have you around. You sound like the most level-headed and competent substitute that ever walked the earth.

    1. Nope. I'm way too anxious. I do okay, but there's a reason why I'm not a full-time teacher.

  4. Maybe you aren't a full time teacher, but subbing (my late best friend from childhood was a substitute teacher in Brooklyn before she went full time)has its own skill sets, and I am amazed at a lot of what you go through. On the other hand, if you didn't, you'd have a lot less material for your blog, so there is that.

    1. Yeah, if I didn't have this job, this blog wouldn't exist.

  5. With the way things have been trending, I wonder if they'll have to go back to virtual before long.

  6. And what do they teach in Graphic Arts these days? In the days I took it I learned to set type with actual pieces of type and print it on platen press. Then I learned to print on my first electric press. Also, learned to silk screen.

    1. They have silk screening equipment. I don't know if they actually use type (they do a lot on computers), but there's all sorts of fun equipment in there, so I bet some of what you remember still is taught.

  7. Sound like you handle it quite well.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. You really are busy! That has to be kind of fun... the familiarity of a place you know, but always something different to keep you on your toes.

  9. Those Friday 13ths are living up to their reputation. Hopefully things settle down to an even keel soon. I might have it wrong, but if a vacant class means one with no kids, isn't that a teacher's dream? Do you just get to do whatever you want?

  10. It's good that you are regularly getting work although it does sound a little stressful with all the chopping and changing around! It's fun you got the same class you had when everything kicked off - makes you realise how much time has passed and yet it seems like such a brief period!

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend :) I had a fun night out with friends yesterday!

    Away From The Blue

    1. It's funny how I keep ending up with that class on the weirdest days. I also covered one period of it on our first day back in person in the spring.

  11. Hi Liz - well I'm glad you've got some work and can sort of settle back into the school days that you're used to. Stay safe - all the best - Hilary

  12. Yeah, it takes a while to get used to the change.

  13. Friday the 13th was the first day of our lockdown. Funny how significant Black Friday's seem to be...


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