
Thursday, July 15, 2021

Yay Books

Last year at this time I accepted a summer school-type class at the alternative education center (read: the kiddos who were expelled from the other schools). But things were different last year. Firstly, I had a couple weeks warning to prepare. This time, I got called the morning of their first day of school. 

Last year, it was all virtual. This year, we're all back on campus. 

So, I've got two-hour blocks to fill with kiddos in the classroom with me. 

For the first day, the principal set them up with online work. (It's a program that I'm familiar with via the continuation high school. They've been using it for years.) And while that was great for the first day, I knew that would get old, quick. 

English class. Summer session (18 days). There was a bookcase in the classroom with many books. Why not read a book? 

And guess what was in that bookcase? The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Since they're not going to like the book I assign, I'm going to like it. And, I know quite a bit about it. Score! 

I ran the plan by another teacher and the principal, and they both agreed it sounded like a good plan.

Now I just have to figure out things to assign to go with it. Any ideas?


  1. If only my teachers would've assigned a book like that!

    1. I know, right? I would have enjoyed this way more than The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Ick.

  2. I would have loved to be assigned that book. Of course, I am drawing a blank for suggestions.

    1. Alas, they're not so enthused over the choice of book. Ah well. I'm enjoying it.

  3. Replies
    1. Oh, you don't know the torture it is for me to not make 42 references for them. We're not there yet.

  4. Sounds fun....can't wait to hear about that.

    1. They're not enjoying it half as much as I am.

  5. Animal farm. I know I read that in school

  6. Book reading exercises are good fun!

  7. My favorite! I remember the first time I started it, though. The first page - prologue? - threw me and I put it down for a year. It starts out reading like a scientific essay. For a page.

    What kind of assignments do you need to do? Writing? Discussion questions? I always like doing "what if" when my students have extra time. "What if the girl didn't run to hug her teacher, but a stranger? What would her parents do then?" Not sure if that's applicable here.

    1. Getting them to discuss anything is like pulling teeth, so I'm giving them written assignments. (That gives me points for a grade, so win-win.) I had them write "Vogon poetry". That was fun.

  8. I have no idea of the appropriate sort of assessment, so here are a few suggestions for your awesome book choice...
    - a creative story of their own eg what would you do if your best friend told you they were an alien?
    - if it needs to be something more analytical, What difference would a Babel Fish have made to initial meetings between Indigenous Americans and first settlers? [or insert relevant moment in time here]
    - write their own script for a comedy radio broadcast (if you are covering the fact it started as a radio comedy series)


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.