
Monday, July 5, 2021


After finishing my niece's birthday present, I again found myself between projects. But then I remembered that there was another project that I could work on. 

Two years ago I saw a pattern in Knitty for a hooded scarf. It's called Calash. I rather liked the look of it, so I bought yarn, swatched it, and adjusted the pattern accordingly. 

(The purpose of swatching is to see if one's own knitting measures the same as the pattern writer's. When it doesn't, we're told to adjust needle sizes until we match. I don't do this. If my sizing is off, I adjust the pattern so I'll get the size I want.) 

But before I could cast on, something distracted me and I never started. (I have a couple guesses as to why I put off starting this, but I don't remember for sure what it was.) 

Last week I went searching for all the components. I was able to locate the yarn, my swatch, and the pattern. All I had to do was cast on. 

I haven't gotten very far yet, but I just started. How long will this take me? What will I do with it once it's done? Both good questions that I'll figure out at some point, but not today.

I may start a bunch of projects right now so I have stuff to work on. I have ideas for projects, anyway. We'll see what gets planned and started and what stays in my imagination for now.


  1. That will be another cool project. I saw a scarf on PINTEREST yesterdah that had sleeves! It was for crochet but I bet you could figure out a way to do it knitting.

  2. Also, thought I'd just mention once again how educational blogging is. You learn from other bloggers. I had to google "calash"---definitions went from a kind of carriage to a loose scarf-like head covering.

    1. I had no idea that's what it meant. It's what the designer titled the pattern.

  3. It's coming out nicely! I love those colors.

  4. I never heard of a "calash" so this was my educational post for today. And the fact that you adjust patterns rather than change your needle sizes - I can only relate from the crochet side of things - I'm impressed.

    1. It works best when the pattern has multiple sizes. Then I just knit the "wrong" size that'll get me the dimensions I want.

  5. It's a popular variegated colorway.

  6. I like the blue and purple together and I've never heard the word calash before but know of hooded scarves - this will look so good when it's done! :)

    Hope your week is off to a great start :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. I hadn't heard the word either. It's just the pattern title.

  7. I'm sure as you knit you will keep us post as you go along.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. The finished versions on the Calash page are awesome. This is going to be practical and pretty :)

  9. Loving the colour combo! I look forward to seeing the journey and end result

  10. Pretty start! Beautiful pattern, I like how you adjust the pattern to you and not the reverse ;)

  11. I anticipate seeing your progress!


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.